Chapel of Saint Rita

Chapel of Saint Rita: An oasis of prayer and a symbol of hope.

There are numerous chapels scattered among the picturesque landscapes of Poland, constituting a testimony to the faith and piety of local communities. Szczególną uwagę

Prayer for good training

Prayer for good training.

I praise You, God, for strength and health,
For the opportunity to move and exert effort.
I beg you, to support me in training,
I would …

Parents' Prayer for Children

Parents' Prayer for Children.

Triune God, By your will and grace, you have entrusted us with children, which belong to you. Please follow them, that you may take care of them.

God, …


litania sw jozefLITHANIA TO ST. JOSEPH.

Kyrie, elejson. Christ Eleison. Kyrie, elejson. Christ, hear us! Christ, hear us out! Father of Heaven, God, have mercy on us! Son, Redeemer of the world of God, have mercy …