Litany of the spouses

Litany of the spouses

Kyrie elejson Chryste elejson Kyrie elejson

Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us out
God the Father of Heaven – have mercy on us
Son, Redeemer of the world, God – have mercy on us
Holy Spirit of God – have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, One God – have mercy on us

We answer: so help us God – in the Trinity, one and all the saints

May we be a gift for ourselves through love…
That we may remain loyal to our spouse in all matters…
That our love would always mature, and we would feel responsible for it…
That we would die for ourselves anew every day and live for our spouse…
So that we do not defile "being one flesh" with our own selfishness, but they could live it purely…
So that we do not part with it for a long time without necessity…
So that we can enjoy our co-presence ...
Lest we blame each other…
That we trust each other…
That we try to understand each other…
That marital honesty might help us avoid the quiet days…
That our dialogues foster communion among us…
Let us not look for one-sided reasons in our relations…
That the differences resulting from the difference between the sexes were for us an experience of the unity of the two…
That we may be faithful to one another by listening carefully to one another…
So that we can share our expectations…
Let us see it, what is good in us and they knew how to thank you for it…
That we humbly recognize the truth about our weaknesses and support each other in working on us…
May we not lack courage and enthusiasm for daily common prayer…
May we raise our children responsibly, God has given us…
Let our house be a refuge of warmth, peace, mutual care and hospitality…
That we may be grateful for the mystery of love…
Let us be aware, that love is not only given to us, but also asked….

Let love, honesty and faithfulness guard all temptation…
Let love, honesty and faithfulness protect us from coldness to God, spouse and relatives…
Let love, honesty and loyalty will be the joy of our life together ...
May we remain in love, honesty and loyalty until death do us part ...

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, let us pass, Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, hear us out, Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

K. God, You said, "It is not good for a man to be alone” and established a sacred union of man and woman, give your spouses your comprehensive support, lead safely to happiness, which does not end there.
W. As at the wedding at Cana, Lord, transform our efforts and difficulties into the joy of being a gift to another.
K. Let's pray… God, Eternal Love, You "at the beginning” you made man in Your image and likeness, you made male and female, you have given them yourself, with their unity and harmony. Please, please, that, united by mutual love, they may follow you in their words and gestures, His Creator, they gave each other selfless love, they helped each other in all matters, they supported each other and never fought each other, carrying in their hearts the image of Love, which bestows "from the beginning”. Amen

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