God teaches his people through the prophets

children's churchWhen you attend Holy Mass, you hear often, how the reader begins the first reading of Scripture. with such words : "Reading the Prophet…” (and here he mentions his name). When you hear the word prophet, maybe you mean "clairvoyant."”, who foretells the future. Are you surprised, why the words of the prophets are read during the Eucharistic Assembly, who lived a long time ago. Who exactly are the prophets ? What was their task ? What is the importance of reading their words in our time in the Church ?

God calls prophets

Listen, like Scripture. it vividly tells about the calling of one of the prophets : “God gave me the following word : «Before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you, before you came into the world, I sacrificed you, I have made you a prophet to the nations ». And I said : «But, Lord, God, after all, I can't speak, because I am a young man !»God answered me : " Do not speak : I am a young man, for you will go to whomever I send you and speak, whatever I recommend to you. Don't be afraid of them, because I'm with you, to protect you »… And stretching out my hand, God touched my mouth and told me : «Here I am putting my words on your lips…
And you gird your hips, get up and say everything, what I will order you. Don't be afraid of them, lest I fear them sometimes. And here I am making you a stronghold today, a column of steel and a bronze wall against all the earth, against the kings of Judah and their leaders, to their priests and to the people of this land. They will fight against you, but they will not be able to overcome you, for I am with you… to protect you »" (Jr 1, 4-9. 17-19).
The story of the calling of Jeremiah shows, that God chooses some people to be prophets. They are sometimes weak people, who do not trust their strength and excuse themselves from a difficult task. But God gives them His help, to speak to people through them.

God speaks to his people through the prophets

God has always looked after the chosen people by sending them leaders, leaders and kings, like Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Saul, David, Salomon. Some of them were also prophets. God spoke to his people through them and guided their fortunes. When, however, the leaders and kings, and all the people disobeyed God and did not obey him, God called prophets and through them he called to conversion and faithfulness to the covenant, which he made with his people. The prophets spoke in the name of God to all the people. They also went to the kings, they pointed out their mistakes and sins, they admonished and instructed them, what is the true way of God. They threatened karami, which will meet them, if they don't change their behavior. Nathan the prophet rebuked David, and the prophet Elijah of king Ahab.
Kings and people did not always listen to the prophets. They were often driven out of their cities, they imprisoned (e.g.. Jeremiah), and even condemned to death and murdered. Not listening to the prophets, who spoke for God, they disobeyed God Himself. For this reason, the prophets have fulfilled the announcements and warnings. The Babylonians attacked the kingdom of Israel, they destroyed the country, they ravaged the capital, Jerusalem, and its temple. Many Israelites died, and you, who survived, they were taken captive to Babylon.
But God did not abandon his people in captivity. Instead of kings, he sent prophets to him, who explained, why the Israelites lost their independence and freedom, they resembled God's threats, but at the same time they spoke, that God still loves his people. Prophets became the spiritual leaders of the chosen people, they kept his spirits up, they called for conversion and fidelity to God. They also talked about it, that God will fulfill his promises. Out of these, who will remain faithful and convert, it will create a new people of God. After years of captivity, they will return to their homeland again, they will rebuild the temple. They also announced, that the moment will come, when God sends a Savior and makes the New Covenant. They painted a picture of the messianic king and his kingdom.

Why do we read the writings of the prophets in the Church ?

The predictions of the prophets came true, because they only said that, what God has revealed. The Savior came into the world and made a New Covenant between God and His new people. Today, the new people of God is the Church. Jesus Christ made the New Covenant through his death and resurrection. Every Holy Mass. this event makes us present. It unites us to God and strengthens our covenant with Him. During the Holy Mass. we read the writings of the prophets, because through them God himself speaks to us. God's promises, which the prophets spoke of, they also apply to us. Through the prophets, God calls us to conversion, reminds us to keep His commandments, encourages perseverance. He also warns us against wrong paths, which lead to misfortunes and evil.

How will I answer God ?

Always try to listen carefully to the words of the prophets, that you hear in the Eucharistic Assembly. God speaks through them and to you today. Read their words from Scripture. Consider the words of the prophet Baruch today :
"Be obedient, Israel, life-giving commandments, incline your ear, to know wisdom…
Learn, where is wisdom, where is strength and reason, and you will know at the same time, where there is a long and happy life, where there is light for the eyes and peace.
This wisdom is the book of God's commandments and the law that is forever.
Everybody, who hold on to it, will live. Who neglect it, they will die.
We are happy, about Israel, that we know it, what pleases God”
(Ba 3, 9.14 ; 4, 1.4).

■ Think:

1. Through whom God spoke to his people ?
2. Who chose the prophets and sent them to the Israelites ?
3. What the prophets reminded the Israelites ?
4. What they announced during their captivity ?
5. As we solemnly read the writings of the prophets today ?

■ Remember:

65. Who do we call a prophet ?
We call a prophet a man, whom God has called, that he may speak to the People of God in his name.

66. Why did God send prophets to his people ?
God sent prophets to his people, to remind him of the Law of the Covenant, they encouraged observance of it and taught about the messianic times.

67. When the prophets were fulfilled ?
The predictions of the prophets were partially fulfilled in the history of the chosen people, and entirely in Jesus Christ and His Church.

■ Task :

List the names of the prophets, whose books are found in the Holy Scriptures.

■ Compare:

St.: “And I heard the voice of the Lord speaking : «Whom should I send ? Who would go there ? »I replied : 'Here I am, send me ". I said (me) : «Go and speak to this people : Listen closely, but without understanding, watch carefully, but without discernment »" (From 6, 8-9).

“Here I am sending you prophets, wise men and scholars. Some of them you will kill and crucify ; you will scourge others in your synagogues and drive them from town to town. This is how innocent blood will fall on you all, shed on the ground, beginning with the blood of Abel the just, to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the tabernacle and the altar " (Mt 23, 34-35).

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