The Church protects the word of God and explains it infallibly

The Church protects the word of God and explains it infallibly

We are all looking for the truth, yet we have different views on many things, completely opposite to each other. In doubts, we ask people who know these matters better. Scientists spend a lot of time searching for and discovering the truth about the world and about matters of life on earth, specialists in various fields of knowledge.
Beside knowledge and truth, which man can discover by his own reason, there is truth, as revealed only by God. God's revelation is communicated to us by God himself through the word. It's God's word, received by people at different times, may be misunderstood. From whom should we seek help in understanding the word of God ? Who will explain them to us without error ?

The Church is concerned about the word of God

After Pentecost and the Apostles' departure from Jerusalem, The Church of God proclaims the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ to the entire world at that time. Christ has entrusted the Church to care for this, that the word of God may be preserved and communicated to mankind.
Thanks to the proclamation of the word of God, there were more and more followers of the Gospel, “And the Lord added to them daily, who were saved " (Dz 2, 47). They were devoted to the apostolic doctrine, by strengthening one another in faith with words and examples of life. They tried to be faithful to the encouragement of St.. Paul to the Colossians : “Let the word of Christ dwell in you with (with all his) wealth : teach and admonish yourselves with all wisdom " (Col. 3, 16). Christians were strengthened by the word of Christ above all in the Eucharistic assemblies.
The apostles and the superiors appointed by them supervised the teaching in the communities called Christian communities.. They took care of it, that teaching in each branch is in harmony with the Gospel. Here is how e.g.. st. Paul admonished the leaders of the Ephesian Church :
“Be careful with yourself and with the whole herd, over whom the Holy Spirit has made you bishops, that you lead the Church of God, which He acquired with His own blood. I know, that after my departure there will be ravenous wolves among you, not sparing the herd. People will also arise from among you, who will preach perverse teachings, to draw students with you " (Dz 20, 28-30). The superiors of the Church are to care for and for the word of God in a special way, that Christians do not obey people who try to misinterpret God's word. Therefore, it is in the primitive Church, when in doubt about faith and the principles of Christian life, the faithful sought counsel from the Apostles. This was the case, for example. in year 49/50, when it was the College of the Apostles in Jerusalem, under the leadership of Peter, settled the dispute between the faithful of Jewish origin, and the faithful of Greek origin. The apostles with Peter made the judgment invoking the Holy Spirit : “We have made a decision, The Holy Spirit and us…” (Dz 15, 28).
In this way, Christ's words spoken to Peter in the Upper Room began to be fulfilled : ,,I have asked for you, that your faith may not fail. For your part, strengthen your brothers " (Luke 22, 31).

The Church explains the word of God infallibly

Christ said, that he will reside in the Church ,,until the end of the world " (Mt 28, 20), even after the death of Peter and the Apostles. And he kept his word. For he is still in the Church and speaks through the successors of Peter and the Apostles. Every pope is the successor of Peter, the successors of the apostles are the bishops. They are the highest teaching authority in the Church. They make up the Teaching Office of the Church. Episcopal, along with ordination called episcopal ordination, receive a share in Christ's Magisterium in the Church. They carry it out in conjunction with the entire college of bishops, chaired by the Pope. To fulfill this task, Christ gives the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and their successors (by. J 14, 17-26).
Episcopal, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, they transmit the teaching of Christ. If they teach unanimously and in association with the Pope on matters of faith and morals, then they preach Christ's teaching infallibly. This is the ordinary teaching of the Church.
The solemn decisions of the bishops at the general council convened by the pope are also infallible. The Pope himself is also infallible by virtue of his office, when he solemnly and decisively teaches all the faithful about the truth and about the Christian life. This teaching of councils and popes can be called extraordinary teaching.
Revealed truths, which the Magisterium of the Church infallibly puts it to faith, we call dogmas.
So Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the Teachers' Office, keeps the treasure of faith intact in the Church.
How and where the Church's Magisterium speaks to us ? Popes speak through their circular letters known as encyclicals, which instruct the whole Church. Bishops speak through pastoral letters to their dioceses, they also direct all religious teaching in the diocese.
Christ, through the Holy Spirit, also works in all the faithful. They too can confirm the faith of others, both life example, and with the spoken or written word. Parents have a special task in shaping and confirming faith for their children.

All the faithful participate in the task of strengthening faith only in association with the Magisterium of the Church. Remembering the words of Christ : "Who is listening to you, He listens to me, who despises you, Despises me " (Luke 10, 16), Christians believe in truths, which the Church's infallible Magisterium puts into belief. They obediently submit to the instructions of the Holy Father. and bishops.

How will I answer God ?

The word of God understood in this way introduces me to the road to God, as God reveals them. I can only have a proper understanding of the content of the word of God through the Magisterium of the Church, who seriously translates and explains the content of God's revelation. Without this office, I wouldn't know for sure, what to do, to participate fully in salvation. With that in mind, I will obediently accept the teaching of the Church. In seeking God, I will not rely on my own understanding of the word of God, but on explanation, which the Church gives confidently and without error.

I will pray :

Show me your way, Lord, lead in your path,
Because evil lurks in the wilderness, snatch from his hands " (Psalm 26).

■ Think:

1. Kto nauczał Ewangelii w Kościele pierwotnym ?
2. Kto czuwał nad zgodnością nauczania kościelnego z Ewangelią ?
3. Komu zlecili Apostołowie troskę o nauczanie zgodne z Ewangelią ?
4. Kto w Kościele nieomylnie tłumaczy słowo Boże ?
5. Jaka powinna być postawa chrześcijanina wobec Urzędu Nauczycielskiego Kościoła ?

■ Remember:

63. Kto w Kościele nieomylnie wyjaśnia słowo Boże ?
In the Church, he infallibly explains the word of God, the Holy Father. the dignity of his office, ecumenical councils and bishops, when they teach unanimously.

64. Dlaczego Kościół może strzec słowa Bożego i bezbłędnie je wyjaśniać ?
The Church can keep the word of God and interpret it unmistakably, because he works by the power of Christ and is enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

■ Task :

1. Przeczytaj z Dziejów Apostolskich rozdz. 15 about the Council of Jerusalem.
2. Sprawdź, who assures you, that your catechism and other religious books are not in error.

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