Jesus Christ reveals the Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ reveals the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a person less known to you than the Father and the Son. The name "Father and Son" is much closer and more understandable than the name "Holy Spirit", yet you believe in the Holy Spirit.
Almost all prayers during the Holy Mass. we take to the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit. You already understand the term "by the Son". We address our prayers to the Father through Jesus Christ, because He is our only Mediator. What does it mean in "the Holy Spirit" ? What role does the Holy Spirit play in your life? ?

The Holy Spirit is at work in Jesus' life

All evangelists telling about the public life and activities of Jesus Christ begin by describing the event at Jordan. Everyone emphasizes, that Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit there, which will work throughout his life.
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, began to fight the evil spirit in the desert. When he healed the possessed and healed the sick, he did it by the power of the Holy Spirit (by. Mt 12, 22-30). He also proclaimed the Good News about salvation through the power of the Holy Spirit (by. Luke 4, 18-19). So you see, that the Holy Spirit also participates in the work of our salvation through Jesus.

Jesus promises the Church the Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit, with whom he himself was filled and with the power of which he acted, he promised to give to the Church as well. St.. John the Evangelist.
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may be with you forever - the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows him. But you do know him, because he lives with you and will be in you. […] A Comforter, Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send on my behalf, He will teach you everything and remind you of everything, what I told you1 ' (J 14, 15-17. 26).
“But when the Comforter comes, which I will send you from the Father, The Spirit of Truth, which comes from the Father, He will testify of Me. But you also testify, because you are with me from the beginning " (J 15, 26-27). “However, I am telling you the truth : My departure is useful for you. Because if I don't leave, The Comforter will not come to you. And if I go away, poślę Go do was” (J 16, 7). "When He comes, The Spirit of Truth, will lead you to all the truth. Because he won't talk from himself, but he will say everything, whatever he hears, and I will tell you things to come. He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and reveal it to you. All, what the father has, is mine. That's why I said, that he will take from mine and reveal to you " (J 16, 13-15).
As long as Jesus lived with his disciples, they didn't need to be afraid of anything. * He was their Comforter. He defended them in difficult situations. And when he was to leave, he promised them another Comforter. He will give them strength, that they may resist evil in the name of Jesus and make them capable of bearing witness to Christ. The Holy Spirit will also give students a full understanding of His teachings. He will finally reside in them as in Jesus.

Faith in the Holy Spirit in the Church

The Church lives and works by the power of the Holy Spirit, which he received at Pentecost. Thus, in this way, the promises of the Lord Jesus are fulfilled in the Church. We remember and live them especially on the Solemnity of Pentecost, and also in the liturgy 6 Sunday after the Resurrection. We profess our faith in the Holy Spirit, when we refuse : “I believe in the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life, which comes from the Father and the Son. Who, together with the Father and the Son, is worshiped and glorified. Who spoke through the prophets ". We confess then, that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of God and that he is equal in all things to the Father and the Son.

How will I answer God ?

From the baptism of St.. the Holy Spirit is in you as Comforter and strength. Do you realize it ? Do you turn to Him for light, when you are looking for the truth ? - for consolation, when you suffer ? - for assistance, when you have difficulties ? Turn to Him with faith and trust :

Creator Spirit, come…
Illuminate our thoughts with light,
Pour holy love into our hearts,
And the frail weakness of our bodies.
Strengthen with the constancy of your strength.
Drive the enemy away
And give your peace together;
Let it follow your conductor on the way
We will pass evil, what tempts us.

■ Think :
1. How do we know about it, that Jesus was working through the power of the Holy Spirit ?
2. When Jesus promised the disciples the Holy Spirit ?
3. When and in what prayer do the gathered people confess their faith in the Holy Spirit? ?

■ Remember :

17. Who revealed to us the truth about the Holy Spirit ?
Jesus Christ revealed to us the truth about the Holy Spirit.

18. By whose power Jesus Christ acted and is working ?
Jesus Christ acted and works through the power of the Holy Spirit.

■ Task :

What comparisons do the Scriptures use?. speaking of the action of the Holy Spirit? (J 1, 32; J 3, 8 ; Dz 2, 2-3).

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