Litany to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Litany to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Kyrie elejson! Christ Eleison! Kyrie elejson!
Christ, hear us! Christ, hear us!

Father of Heaven, God, have mercy on us.
Son, Redeemer of the world, God…
Holy Spirit, God…
Holy Trinity, One God…

Holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary, give us your constant help.
Mother of God…
Mother of Mercy…
Mother of Almighty…
The throne of God's grace…
Mediator of our salvation…
Ark of Eternal Peace…
Support in our misfortunes…
Pillar of the Church…
The strength of our faith…
Invincible to hell…
Fortress armed for our defense…
Guide of Christians…
Lover of pure hearts…
The anchor of our hope…
Escape of the oppressed…
Comforter of the afflicted…
Defender of sinners…
The port of the survivors…
Hope of the despairing…
Guardian of families…
Guardian of youth…
Support of widows…
Mother of orphans…
Salvation of the dying…
Lady of our fate…
Gate to the tabernacles of heaven…
Queen of heaven and earth…

Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, spare us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, Lord, hear us.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

O Mary, give us your constant help
and make us worthy of its salutary effects.

Let's pray:
Immaculate Virgin, who deigned to inspire our trust in your constant help with your numerous blessings, surround us with your kindness, support the Holy Church, keep and multiply the faith among Catholic nations, awaken the Christian spirit in families, give strength to the working and open heaven to the dying. Be our refuge in all moments of life and free us from sin. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

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