Culture of free time

You have a day off. Initially, you are happy about it. You're watching a TV show, are you listening to the radio, you browse the internet but after a while you get bored and you don't know, what to do in your spare time.
"You have to somehow kill your free time" - you encounter such a saying many times.
Is this saying correct ? - Nobody doubts, that ,,free time ”is necessary for health and relaxation. It's just about that, how to organize it. How to use ?

Your hobby"

Develops interests

The boredom of free time is born of a lack of interests. A remedy for this may be ,,hobby”. For human, who is interested in something, e.g.. photography, philately, playing the guitar, music, painting or learning foreign languages, life gets interesting. Such a person is able to organize his free time pleasantly and to live it profitably.
Interests are like an internal motor, which stimulates and directs human activity in various directions. For example. the boys are passionate about modeling, technique, sports. Girls, on the other hand, like to decorate interiors, complete postcards, plates, they are interested in fashion, etc.. Others again, both girls and boys, in their free time they like to wander. They are interested not only in nature, but also the way people live in different neighborhoods. They get to know their country better, its beauty and history.

It enriches the man

A useful "hobby" gives you satisfaction in more than just that, that I have something, e.g.. album with postcards, but mostly from this, that I know something, I know something, I can do something. Awakened and diverse interests will allow you to avoid one-way things. When something interests you, it will be easier for you to overcome bad tendencies and preferences, which may awake in you. Interests will also help you shape your character, and they will facilitate and make your friendly meetings easier for you and others. So let's think about it, what interests you especially. If you have no interests, why ?

Free time - time to get closer to people

In the family

If you want to experience true joy in your spare time, seek her in the community. Free moments, e.g.. sundays, holidays, family holidays are a good opportunity to get closer to family members. Their mutual conversations, family meetings, walks create the right atmosphere, full of mutual trust, where everyone feels good.

Among friends

Do we realize, that free time spent together with friends and colleagues, e.g.. on a trip or at a camp, he can also teach, it can enrich culturally and socially. It can even do, that you, who only think about themselves and cannot live with others, they will become better and more social among their colleagues.
Idea, whether your friendships enrich you and others in this way.

At the service of brothers

There are people with a social attitude. In their free time, they look after children, sick, lonely. They organize groups, who visit orphanages, sick in the hospital, they bring dinners to old people or read something interesting to them. For these people, free time is time devoted to serving the brothers, which also gives them a kind of rest and fills them with real joy. Idea, if you couldn't afford something similar ?

Free time in the eyes of God

Saint Paul points out, that every action, what we do, it should be directed to God : Do you eat, do you drink, or whatever else you do, all for God's glory " (1 Disease 10, 31).
And he writes to the people of the Colossians : "All, whatever you do in word or deed, all [do] in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through him " (Col. 3,17).
So Paul encourages, to use every moment wisely, according to God's will. And God told us to work, and rest after work. Work and leisure, working time and free time, they make, that we can live and feel truly human. Both are essential components of human life and give it color and value. Both are always opportunities for us, to serve God and people.

How will I answer God ?

There are various ways to use your free time before you. It depends on you, will you "kill your free time", or will you spend it usefully. Perhaps you will spend your free time serving your brothers ? Consider the words of the song, we sing often :

,,As we walk through the world, let us praise God,
In every place, at any time, let us praise God.
There are no unnecessary days in life, every moment is important,
See God's thought in each one.
Because God is our Father, because God loves us,
He marks the path for us and guides us himself.
When the mountain forest rustles us, let us praise God,
When we see a good movie, let us praise God,
When nice days come, to radosne dobro chwal,
Which God has destined for you.
Because God is our Father…”
(Words and Muses. : Zofia Jasnota).

■ Think :

1. Jakie znaczenie ma rozwijanie zainteresowań ?

2. Jak można radośnie przeżyć czas wolny w rodzinie ?

3. Co zrobić, so that meetings with friends enrich you as well, and colleagues ?

4. W jaki sposób czas wolny można wypełnić służbą bliźniemu ?

5. What does St.. Paweł about the value of free time ?

■ Remember :

34. When leisure time enriches a person ?

Leisure enriches a person, as he broadens his interests, it strengthens family and companionship ties and when it is devoted to the service of one's neighbor.

■ Task :

1. Consider, which of the following "hobbies" suit you.

2. Opracuj plan twoich najbliższych wakacji według zasad poznanych w tej katechezie.

3. Idea, when watching TV will be a useful pastime for you.

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