Christ gives a special share in his priesthood to bishops and their fellow priests and deacons

Christ gives a special share in his priesthood to bishops and their fellow priests and deacons

Some people ask : why is another person standing between me and God so often - a priest ? Whether his mediation is needed ? By what right does he appear before God in my name? ? After all, I can speak to God alone, directly. I could make offerings myself. I could also seek reconciliation with God myself, when I sin. Is any intermediary really necessary then? ?

Apostles and their associates

People on their own are incapable of saving themselves, that is, to be free from sin and to be reconciled with God. For this, God the Father sent his Son to people, Jesus Christ. He just, as Savior and Mediator, enables people to return to God. Teaches them, sacrifices for them and in their name, and unites them to the Father. Without Christ's mediation, no one can be saved.
Jesus Christ wants to save everyone and calls chosen people to a special share in his mediation. Therefore, he himself chooses the Apostles and gives them a special share in his priesthood. It makes them intermediaries between God and people. Through them, he wants to continue to preach the word of God, to offer the sacrifice of salvation and unite people with God. Then the Apostles, by the will of Christ, choose co-workers. They pray to the Holy Spirit and lay their hands on them. Through this external sign, Jesus Christ himself gives these chosen people a share in his priesthood, that they may enable all to attain salvation. The rite of laying on of hands in the making of priests comes from the Apostles. St.. Paul in his letter to Timothy, your coworker, respects it, that he may not neglect the gift of this priesthood, who is in it, but to pass it on : “Don't neglect your charism, which was given to you by prophecy and by the laying on of hands of the college of priests " (1 Tm 4, 14). "I remind you, that you will rekindle the charism of God, which is in you by the laying on of my hands " (2 Tm 1, 6). The priesthood is a permanent instrument in God's hand for the good of people. We call them the ministerial priesthood. They are also called hierarchical. Those endowed with the sacrament of priesthood are a gift of God, a sign of Christ sent by the Father. Without them, the Church would not be Christ's Church.

Bishops and their associates - priests and deacons

The bishops are the successors of the apostles. By consecration *

Consecration - special orders, in which a priest appointed by the Pope obtains full priestly power - the bishopric. Three bishops take part in the consecration of the new bishop, who put their hands on the candidate's head in turn, as the apostles did. Then they pray together asking for the fullness of Christ's priesthood : the consecrating bishop then anoints the head and hands of the new bishop with holy oil. The new bishop also receives a crosier, that is, a cane, ring and a special headdress, which is called a miter. These are external signs of dignity and responsibilities, what the bishop has assumed.

the bishop obtains a full share in the priesthood of Christ, by which he directs all God's service : preaching the word of God, the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice and the administration of the sacraments of St.. in your diocese **.

The entire Church is divided into dioceses, headed by bishops. Dioceses are divided into parishes, led by parish priests.

By virtue of the fullness of the priesthood, it has, the bishop can administer all the holy sacraments, also the sacrament of priesthood.
Priests are the bishop's collaborators in proclaiming the word of God and in celebrating some of the sacraments of St.. Priests share in the priesthood of Christ, when the bishop places his hands on them and ordains them priestly *.

Ordination to the priesthood - a special rite, during which the bishop, and then all the priests present
they lay their hands on the heads of candidates for the priesthood, and the bishop prays, asking for their priestly dignity. In the following rites, he anoints their hands. Through these external signs, Christ himself gives them a share in his priesthood and empowers them to do so, that they may be intermediaries between God and men in his name.

The bishop sends priests, to preach the word of God, they celebrated the Holy Sacrifice and administered the sacraments of St.. Priests are therefore also intermediaries between God and people. The Acts of the Apostles tell about deacons and their duties (by. Dz 6, 1-7).
Christ himself teaches the People of God through his bishops and priests, with them he offers the Most Holy Sacrifice to God the Father and leads everyone to unity with himself and with God.

The Church is concerned with priestly vocations

Priest, as Christ's substitute and mediator between God and us, it is needed by people, that they may be saved. The whole Church knows this well, and therefore all those who belong to her are very concerned about it, that there would be more and more new and good priests. Very often the Church prays to Christ, that he would call his chosen people and share in his priesthood. We especially ask for this in ,,Week of prayers for priestly and religious vocations ".
There, who choose to become priests, receive appropriate education in theological seminaries. Everyone belonging to the Church is responsible for this, who becomes a priest. Therefore, before conferring the ordination, the bishop asks the gathered people, whether they have any objections to the presented candidates. In the interests of future priests, individual parishes also materially help clerical seminars. In Catholic families, which they understand, what a priest is for the whole Church and for all people, parents and siblings help their son and brother, who wants to become a priest, to be well prepared to fulfill his future duties. So the whole church is concerned about this, that there would be more and more priests, that the word of God may be proclaimed by them to all men and that all may come to union with God.

How will I answer God ?

So you see, that God Himself has chosen this only path for you, through the mediation of priests, so that you can meet Him. You already understand, that Christ is at work in their ministry. Can you tell the priest's dignity from his human weaknesses? ? How do you relate to priests, you meet in church, in the catechetical room, on the street ? How could you help a priest in his pastoral work ? What do you do, if you realize, that God is calling you to be his priest ?

■ Think :
1. To whom Christ has given his mediation in a special way ?
2. How the Apostles handed over the priesthood to their fellow workers ?
3. Who today participates in a special way in the priesthood of Christ ?
4. How the Church Cares for Priestly Vocations ?

■ Will remember]:

69. What is a priest in the Church ?

The priest in the Church is the instrument and sign of Christ saving the world.

■ Task :

1. As if you showed, that a priest is needed in religious life ?

2. find out, who is your bishop. Who is your pastor ?

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