Chapel of Saint Rita

Chapel of Saint Rita: An oasis of prayer and a symbol of hope.

There are numerous chapels scattered among the picturesque landscapes of Poland, constituting a testimony to the faith and piety of local communities. Szczególną uwagę

Church calendar

Church calendar

Two time-counting systems were used in the medieval Christian calendar: solar and lunar. Christians adopted the sunny Julian calendar, introducing into it borrowed from …

Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II, whose real name was Karol Józef Wojtyła was born 18 May in 1920 year, while he died 2 April 2005 …

Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Francis, whose real name is Jorze Mario Bergoglio was born 17 of December 1936 years in Buenos Aires. For a year 1998 do …



Confession is characteristic of the Catholic religion. It is also called the sacrament of penance. Its purpose is to cleanse the believer from sins, which he confesses during confession. Thus a purified believer can receive …



Beatification is recognizing a deceased person as blessed. Beatification takes place in the Catholic Church, and the beatification is always announced by the Pope. Beatification is often a step, who begins the canonization process, which ends …

Who is it blessed

Who is it blessed

Blessed are

The concept of the blessed is associated primarily with the Catholic Church. And very well. This is where both the saints and the blessed stand out, the blessed is below …

What are the duties of the pope

What are the duties of the pope

Duties of the Pope

In the Catholic Church, it is believed, that the Pope is Christ's substitute on Earth. It was Saint Peter who was elected pope by Jesus himself and from …

What is canonization

What is canonization


The Catholic Church has its own customs, which have been indestructible for hundreds of years. One of such customs and traditions is canonization, that is, calling a specific person a saint, …