In the death of Jesus Christ, God reconciled humanity with himself

In the death of Jesus Christ, God reconciled humanity with himself

"We have been reconciled to God through the death of His Son" (Rz 5, 10).
Discord always separates people. Perhaps you have experienced its painful effects yourself. You felt very bad as a result of the breakup that resulted. You certainly don't, for a similar situation to happen again.
It was man's fault that there was also a split between him and God. God called him to a community of life. Invited to friendship. He endowed man with his love and happiness. And the man was happy. But unfortunately, he did not stand by God. It has come to this, that he chose the way of sin and despised God's friendship.
In the fasting we read the words of St.. Paul : "We were the offspring deserving wrath" (Ef 2, 3b). Man could not return to God. So what did God do ?

God reconciled people with himself

St.. Paul, speaking of the meaning of Jesus Christ's death : “Christ died for us, as for sinners, at timeshare, while we were still powerless. And even for a just man, someone undertakes to die only with the greatest difficulty. Although perhaps someone would dare to die for a kind man. And God shows us His love just through this, that Christ died for us, while we were still sinners " (Rz 5, 6-8).

When you hear these words on the third Sunday of Lent (year A) - you will remember, how much God has loved us. He sent his son to us on earth, to free us from sin. Christ, Son of God, by the will of the Father, he offered himself for us. We have been justified by His Blood, that is, we have been gifted with God's forgiveness. Thanks to the passion and death of Jesus Christ, we are reconciled with God again. It happened without any merit. We have been forgiven just because of that, that God loved us so much.

God gives man his love

God's ineffable love manifested itself in more than just this, that in Jesus Christ we have been reconciled with God. For God has brought us back to live with Himself. Together with the risen Christ, he raised us to life. He has given us his divine life, with your love, that we may be friends with God and His children again. When Christ, out of love for the Father and for people, sacrificed himself for our sins, when he offered his life in sin offering, we are born into a new life. We have become a "new creature", owned by God. God's love lives in us anew. We owe it all to God alone, who loved us with a gratuitous love and gave his Son, that we can live with Him anew in fellowship.

God gives rise to a new people

First Chosen People, that is, the nation of Israel, God saved by the sign of the lamb's blood. He made a covenant with him. He made it his chosen people. This incident foreshadowed the saving of all mankind by the blood of the true Paschal Lamb, Jesus Christ. This announcement was fulfilled in the death of Christ, by which all men were freed from the bondage of sin. They were all gifted with God's forgiveness and love. Through Christ's death, God reconciled the world to himself and made a New Covenant with his new people. Hence, in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the Second Vatican Council teaches us, that at the time of ChrysfUsa's death, the Church of Christ was born and given life. "From the side of Christ, who was dying on the cross, a wonderful sacrament of the whole Church was born" (KL 5). The Church experiences the joy of giving and forgiveness on the night of the Easter Vigil. The symbols of light help him in this, water and fire. The symbol of Christ the Redeemer is the Easter candle, paschal. Christ is the light, which lights up the darkness of the night, sin. He makes, that we pass from darkness to light (by. Ef 5, 8). He saves us "through the bath of rebirth and renewal" (by. Tt 3, 5), that is, through holy baptism.

How will I answer God ?

God's forgiveness, giving love and belonging to the new people redeemed by the Blood of Christ and reconciliation with the Father - I received all this from God not because of my merits. God gave me a gift, who is love. Therefore, St.. Paul reminds me : “By grace you have been saved through faith. And that is not from you, but it is a gift from God : not by works, so that no one should boast " (Ef 2, 8-9).
On the Easter Vigil, the Church celebrates her Baptism. There, what have already received it, thank God for this Great gift and renew the promises made to God in baptism. They are re-aware, that through baptism they were "created in Christ Jesus for good works" (by. Ef 2, 10) and endowed with God's love. They ask God, that he might strengthen them in creating good.
With what gratitude I am taking part in the Easter Vigil ? How I Fulfill My Baptismal Promises ? How do I attend Mass, where I meet Christ, who died and rose for our salvation ?
Imbued with great gratitude, I will repeat the words of thanksgiving with the whole Church :
“Truly worthy and just, right and salutary, that we may give thanks to you always and everywhere, Lord, Holy Father, almighty eternal God. Through Christ our Lord ".

■ Think:

1. What is the position of every human being because of sin? ?
2. Who has reconciled us to the Father ?
3. What is a condition for receiving a share of God's forgiveness and love ?
4. At what price Jesus Christ bought us again for God ?
5. What have we become through union with Christ in his death and resurrection ?

■ Remember :

35. What God has given us in Jesus Christ ?
God has given us in Jesus Christ His forgiveness and love.

36. When a person is involved in the work of salvation and reconciled with God ? Man is included in the work of salvation and reconciled with God at baptism.

37. When was the Church of Christ born ?
The Church of Christ was born at the time of Christ's death on the cross, that is, at the conclusion of the New Covenant.

■ Task :

1. Read the description of the Passion according to St.. Luke 22, 1—23, 56 and list these events and words, in which God's forgiving love was revealed.

2. Explain the connection of the prayer “You have suffered wounds for us…" with this, what did you find out today.

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