God overcomes evil through good

Jesus on the crossGod has promised a Savior, in which people will overcome evil, yet the evil and the harm of man continue.
So will God only overcome evil at the end of the world? ?

Joseph's humiliation brought blessing to Egypt

In the first book of Scripture. there is a beautiful story, in which God speaks about this mystery. This is the story of the sons of Jacob (by. Gen. 37, 1-36).

Of his twelve sons, Jacob loved Joseph especially. This made his brothers jealous. So the brothers sold Joseph captive to the Egyptians. Here, one more harm happened to Józef. Slander was slandered on him. Józef is put in prison. But God did not abandon him. That's how he managed everything, that Joseph won favor with the head of the prison, who entrusted him with authority over his fellow prisoners. One day he met two prisoners worried about their strange dreams. Joseph, enlightened by God, explained to them the prophetic meaning of these dreams. One of these prisoners was the cupbearer of Pharaoh, who, as Joseph had foretold, returned to the court of the ruler of Egypt. It happened, that after two years Pharaoh himself was looking for a man, that could explain to him his two strange dreams. Then the butler remembered Joseph. He told Pharaoh about it. Pharaoh ordered Joseph to be released from prison. Again Joseph, enlightened by God, explained the dreams to Pharaoh. He said, that in Egypt there will be seven years of plenty and plenty, and then there will be seven years of famine. Then the pharaoh, seeing the wisdom of God in Joseph, He appointed him steward of all Egypt and ordered him to store grain, to then save people from starvation during the crop failure years. Joseph's prophecy came true. Despite the crop failure, Egypt did not suffer from hunger, because thanks to Józef the warehouses were full of grain. Grain was even sold to foreigners. Thus, Joseph's humiliation and the harm done to him contributed to the saving of Egypt.

Jozef's hurt as a source of blessing for the family of Jakub

Hunger also prevailed in the land, where Jacob and his sons lived. So they went to Egypt, to buy grain. Joseph had them sold to his brothers. But he wanted to find out, whether the brothers had changed and put them to the test. He ordered them to bring their youngest brother. He wanted to meet, whether they love him. And when Joseph was convinced, that his brothers have turned from evil and are ready to do anything, so as not to worry Father Jacob, that they are defending the youngest among them, Benjamin, he confessed, that he is their brother, which they sold. They were very scared, when they heard : "I am Józef, your brother, I am it, which you sold to Egypt. But now do not be sad and do not reproach yourself, for selling me. For to save you from death, God sent me here before you… to provide you with descendants on earth and that you may survive through the great deliverance. So you didn't send me here, but God, who also made me a counselor to Pharaoh, lord of all his house and ruler of all Egypt, therefore go quickly to my father and tell him : …Come without delay " (Gen. 45, 4b-9).
Jacob and his entire family came to Egypt. After the death of Jacob, Joseph's brothers became fearful again. Won't Joseph take revenge now? ? They asked him for forgiveness once more : .,But Joseph spoke to them : Do not be afraid. Am I in the place of God? ? You used to plot evil against me, God, however, intended it as a good, to make it, what is today, that a great nation survived " (Gen. 50, 19-20).
The story of Joseph's brothers shows us, how short-sighted are human foams to God's plans, who transforms even the evil intended by people into good and uses it for the salvation of the world. So nothing can stand in the way of God's holy plans, even sin and man's perversity.

The humiliation of Jesus on the cross and the mystery of evil in the history of the world

We discover the same mystery in the work of salvation. At the time of Christ's crucifixion, Satan and sin seemed to triumph. But it was then that Satan was overcome by the goodness of Jesus, and the world has been set free from the dominion of sin and eternal death. Thus, God finally overcame evil through good.
Yet the mystery of sin remains incomprehensible to us, as long as we live on earth. On the last day, we will understand in awe, how all the evil in the world must have served God's holy plans. But we already know, that God has triumphed over evil and that we can joyfully cry out with St.. Paul :
"About the depth of riches, the wisdom and knowledge of God !
How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways beyond tracing out!
For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor? ?
Or whoever gave Him first, to get each other rewarded ?
For everything is from him, and through him, and for him.
Glory to him forever. Amen”
(Rz 11, 33-36).

How will I answer God ?

A story about Józef, you have met, is a call, which God directed to us. Through your baptism you have been united to Christ and you are to fight evil in the world with him. But do you realize, that evil can only be overcome with good ? Do you ask God for it, to be able to overcome evil ? Are you trying to penetrate into God's plans for you, especially then, when you are hurt, suffering or humiliation ? Have you thought, that's when Christ calls you, that you may take up your cross and follow Him ?

■ Think:

1. How Jacob's sons did with their brother ?

2. How Joseph's humiliation became a source of blessing for Egypt ?

3. How Joseph's Injury Became a Blessing to the House of Jacob ?

4. What God teaches us about in the story of the sons of Jacob ?

5. How Christ has conquered evil ?

■ Remember:

29. How God conquers evil ?

God overcomes evil through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Constantly wins because of these, who unite with Christ. God will show us the full victory of good over evil on the last day.

■ Task :

1. Why should we pray every day : "Our father… deliver us from evil ?”

2. Consider, how can you overcome evil with good ?

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