I. Prayer of Jesus in Gethsemane

Gethsemane - The Hour of Fear, hour of torment, sorrow, bleeding sweat, friends, whose eyes are sleepy and who do not understand. (…) Gethsemane - the hour of prayer taut as a string, filial conversation with the Father, accepting with love the cup of bitterness.
About a friend of people, Your submission to the Father's will is our strength in evangelical decisions in the midst of the dangers of life. Strengthen us on the path of faith, make it happen, that we may fearlessly lay down our lives in the name of the love of Life.

II. Flagellation of Jesus

Jesus silently accepts insults and ridicule. In the midst of absolute misunderstanding - the King of truth (…). "Scorned and rejected by people. A man of sorrows, accustomed to suffering ... He burdened himself with our suffering, He carried our sorrows ". Enlightened by the truth, which liberates, we ask you, teach us to see your face in every person. Your presence in every poor and persecuted person, in every, who makes peace and justice - a brother called to the grace of God's sonship.

III. Lord Jesus is crowned with thorns

St.. John leads us to transform our meditation into a prayer filled with adoration and tenderness at the sight of Jesus' sufferings, crowned with thorns: Pilate, writes St.. John - went outside again and spoke to them: "Here I am bringing him to you ... that you may know, that I find no fault in him ". So Jesus went outside, in a crown of thorns and a purple mantle (…). From that day on, every human generation is called to make a statement before this Man crowned with thorns. Nobody can remain indifferent. You have to be told. And it's not just a word, but also by deed.

IV. Jesus' way of the cross

Now Jesus, obviously, is a champion, who is ahead of his students, a priest ascending to the sacrificial altar, a lamb bearing the sin of the world. (…) From then on, the great return of man to the Father's house begins. With a cross (…) Jesus is waiting for the last of the people, to carry the burden of life with him.
Jesus, Holy priest, crushed by a cross, go up the hill of sacrifice, join the sufferings of all nations with your sacrifice, and gather all peoples at the tree of the cross. Praise be to you, Christ. Your cross shows the way of life, it marks the path of hope.

V. The death of Jesus on the cross

The dying Jesus calls twice with a loud voice: "My God, my God, what has forsaken me?”. A mysterious and painful cry. A voice of hope against despair, a song of victory over the powers of evil. Jesus, loyal friend, betrayed, laughed at, confirms it, which happened in the quiet of the Upper Room, affirms love for man, for "no one has greater love than this, when someone lays down his life for his friends ".
Jesus, through your passion and death, forgive us our sin, by the power of your Spirit, renew the face of the earth.

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