God's word to the whole world

God's word to the whole world

We know countries with ancient and very interesting culture, how : China, Indie, Egypt etc., having their own rich history. Or events, which took place in Palestine 2000 years ago, they are of some importance to the people of these distant countries ? Should they also be told about it, what happened in Palestine under Roman occupation, during the reign of Tiberius, the emperor, when Pilate of Pontus was governor of Judea ?
Is the life and work of Jesus Christ, which had a great influence on European culture, they are also to enter their culture, so different from ours ? Many people ask such and similar questions. What to answer them ?

God wants to save all people

Jesus Christ, going to the Father, commanded the Apostles to take God's word to the whole world as Good News for all. It was difficult for the apostles to understand Christ's command at first. For they belonged to the nation, who had turned away from the Gentiles according to the Mosaic Law. It is only under the influence of the Holy Spirit that the Apostles will gradually and slowly learn about God's eternal plan, to gather not only Israelites in the new People of God, but all the nations of the world and save them. The Holy Spirit taught St.. Peter in Jaffa. It happened on the occasion of the conversion of the Roman centurion, Cornelius. On Passover Sunday 6 (year B) we will hear a story about this event :
,,And when Peter entered, Cornelius went out to meet him, he fell at his feet and bowed down to him. Peter picked it up with the words : «Get up, I am human too… »Then Peter spoke in a longer discourse : «I am convinced, that God is really no respecter of persons. But in every nation he is nice to Him, who fears him and acts righteously… »While Peter was still talking about it, The Holy Spirit descended on everyone, who listened to science. And the believers of Jewish origin were amazed, who came with Peter, that the gift of the Holy Spirit was also poured out upon the Gentiles. For they heard, that they speak in tongues and praise God. Then Peter spoke up : «Who can refuse to be baptized with this, who have received the Holy Spirit as much as we do ? »And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ" (Dz 10, 25-26. 34-35. 44-48).

The Church proclaims the word of God to all nations

The apostles, led by the Holy Spirit, understood their mission well. They left Jerusalem, they crossed the borders of Palestine and, as commanded by Christ, went out into the whole world, to proclaim the word of God to "every creature". Peter went to Rome, the then capital of the Roman Empire. The place of Andrew's apostolic work - according to tradition - was the Black Sea coast and Greece. John evangelized Asia Minor. Bartholomew preached Christ in Armenia. Tomasz came to India. Maciej and Mateusz converted Persia and Ethiopia. Juda Tadeusz preached the Gospel first within Palestine, and then in Arabia, Mesopotamia and Syria.
St.. Paul called "the Apostle of the Nations", whom you already know better.
By preaching the word of God to all nations, the Apostles fulfilled the ardent thirst of Christ, ,,to gather again into one scattered children of God " (by. J 11, 52), how the lost sheep are gathered. Christ spoke : “I also have other sheep, which are not of this flock. I must bring them too, and they will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd " (J 10, 16).
The work of gathering the new People of God begun by the Apostles, their successors, the bishops, continue. Christ entrusted them with the care of the whole Church, for its growth and development. Bishops are primarily responsible for proclaiming the word of God to all people. Bishops must take care of preaching the word of God in their dioceses, and at the same time they should be concerned about the preaching of the Gospel in these territories, where Christianity is in the minority. We call the work of evangelization in these areas missions.
Today missionaries work on all continents. In Africa, in America, In Australia, in China, in Japan, in Madagascar, they work hard among lepers and in almost every corner of the earth, so that all people can hear the word of God, which leads to salvation.

The whole Church is called to proclaim the word of God

God "wants", that all people may be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Therefore, all people must be told the joyful news of the salvation brought about by Christ.
Priests go to mission countries, religious brothers and sisters, doctors, teachers and others willing to help missionaries. They all work together to spread the word of God to the whole world.
Professional work of lay Christians, who go to mission countries, it is also bringing the Gospel closer to these people, who benefit from their work and experiences. When the people of non-Christian countries meet with brotherly help, with the kindness and love of people who believe in Christ, then they more easily discover the mystery of the Church as one family of God's children, to which all are called. Therefore, reliable work and a testimony of the life of Christians who are leaving, to work in non-Christian countries, they are of great importance in the missionary service of the whole Church. Christians, who stay in their homeland, they can support missions and spiritually, praying for them, and materially by a donation, sacrifice for missionary purposes, and also by solid work in your profession, which allows you to help the so-called. Third World. These Christian cultural workers have a special responsibility, who proclaim God by word or by works of art, Christ and His Church. The same goes for media workers. There are also many people in Christian countries, who do not know Christ. And for them we are to be witnesses of Christ and his sign, as he himself encourages us to do so : ,,So let your light shine before people, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father, who is in heaven " (Mt 5, 16).
The testimony of the good life of Christians is a prerequisite for the effective proclamation of the word of God, who have accepted the word of God and live it.
Christ Church, who proclaims the word of God to the whole world, therefore she is the universal Church.
By proclaiming the Gospel to the whole world, the Church does not destroy the richness of the culture of individual countries or diminish the importance of their achievements.. He respects and protects everything, what is good and beautiful, bringing new light, Jesus Christ is the light for all nations (Luke 2, 32). He became man and entered human history not for that, to uproot people from their homeland or culture, but only for that, to save everyone living in different cultures, in different countries and speaking different languages.

How will I answer God ?

On the feast of the Epiphany and on the feast of Pentecost, the reading of the Holy Scriptures. they instruct, that the word of God will reach all people and that all are to be partakers of God's promises, that is, enter the community of the People of God. You probably know, that these promises and assurances of God are being fulfilled through the People of God, to which you also belong. So think about it :
What am I doing, to help people who do not know Christ yet come closer to him ? Could my way of life contribute to this ? Do I pray for missionaries working in distant countries and for missionary vocations ? How I prepare for assignments, which I will perform in the future ? Let us pray for these, who do not yet believe in Christ, that they too, filled with the light of the Holy Spirit, they could enter the path of salvation :
"Almighty, eternal god, who gave all nations to your beloved Son, join the families of all peoples to your Church, that, by seeking the light of truth, they may come to you, true and only God " (From the liturgy of W.. Friday).

■ Think:

1. Co Duch Święty objawił św. Peter in the house of Cornelius ?
2. Dlaczego Apostołowie wyruszyli do dalekich krajów głosić słowo Boże ?
3. Kto jest na pierwszym miejscu odpowiedzialny za głoszenie słowa Bożego światu ?
4. Jak wszyscy ludzie ochrzczeni mogą wypełniać to zadanie Kościoła ?
5. Jakie święta są dla nas specjalnym wezwaniem do głoszenia słowa Bożego wszystkim ludziom ?

■ Remember:

58. Christ's command : “Go and make disciples of all nations […] teach them to keep everything, whatever I have commanded you " (Mt 28, 19-20).

59. Kto ma głosić słowo Boże całemu światu ?
The word of God is to be preached to the whole world by bishops, their fellow priests and all the faithful, that is, the whole Church of Christ.

60. Dlaczego Kościół Chrystusowy jest powszechny ?
The Church of Christ is universal, because it mediates the salvation of all people.

■ Task :

1. Explain, how do writers, artists, painters, sculptors can spread the word of God ?

2. Jak mogą dawać świadectwo Chrystusowi nasi inżynierowie i pracownicy wyjeżdżający do krajów tzw. Third World ?

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