Human Development - for the Kingdom of God

Human Development - for the Kingdom of God

You want to become an adult. You want to learn a lot of skills : drive a motorbike or a car, play instruments, make model airplanes. You want to be an engineer, journalist, aviator, achieve good results in sports competitions, etc.. Is this development, which you see in yourself, it has to do with the Christian life ?

Call for cooperation

Read the parable of Jesus Christ carefully, which St.. Matthew : “Likewise too (is) like with a certain man, who having to go on a trip, he summoned his servants and handed over his fortune to them. He gave one to five talents, the other two, on the third one, to each according to his ability, and drove off. This one, who received five talents, he went, he turned them around and got another five. Same with this one, who got two ; he also gained a second two. This one, who got one, went and, digging up the ground, he hid his master's money. After a long time, the master of those servants returned and began to settle accounts with them. Then this one came, who received five talents. He brought the other five and said : «Lord, you gave me five talents, here I have gained the other five ». You told him : " Well, good and faithful servant. You were faithful in very few things, I will put you over many : enter into the joy of your master ». This one also came, who received two talents, saying : «Lord, you gave me two talents, here I have gained the other two ». You told him : " Well, good and faithful servant. You were faithful in little things, I will put you over great ones ; enter into the joy of your master ». This one also came, who received one talent, and said: «Lord […] I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have your property ». His lord answered him : «Wicked and lazy servant ! […] So you should have given my money to the bankers, and I would return my property with profit upon my return. Therefore, take this talent away from him, give it to it, who has ten talents. […] And throw the useless servant outside in the dark ; there will be crying and gnashing of teeth »" (Mt 25, 14-30).
It is a parable about the Kingdom of God. Each servant received a gift from the master and was to work on increasing it. They were left with a lot of independence in this effort - you did not tell them in detail, what to do. Christ instructed us, that the fruit of labor also depends on the size of the gift. From this, who got more, you expect a better result.
In the words of this parable, Jesus Christ addresses all members of the Church today, and therefore also to us. Each of us has received certain giftedness. We are all gifted, but everyone is different. People differ in their abilities. Christ demands, that we develop these abilities. We are to be independent in this, value these abilities, respect them and make efforts, to unfold it all, something we got. In this way, we will respond to God's gift and Christ's invitation to cooperate.
We will receive the total reward for cooperation only in the next life. It will depend on our efforts to multiply the talents received from God. Already here on earth, they give us joy and happiness. Because by developing we create good, we serve other people, in this way, we contribute to the development of the kingdom of God and prepare ourselves to meet Christ.

How and for whom we develop our abilities ?
I am developing for the family, I live in

The family expects you to, that you will contribute to its good. As you get older, having more and more life news and skills, you will help your parents, you will take over many of their responsibilities, especially in caring for younger siblings.
When you mature spiritually, you will understand better the cares and joys of your parents. Especially in difficult moments, you will be a help and support for them.
In this way, by growing for the good of your family, you respond to Christ's call and contribute to the building of the Kingdom of God.

I am developing for my future family

Most people have their own families. To put it on, you have to be an adult, mature and responsible.
Such a man cannot start a family, who cannot sustain her. So getting ready to start your own family, you need to fully develop your skills and prepare well for the profession.
Living in a family community is very demanding. You will be a responsible father or mother in the future, if you learn to forget about yourself, give way to another, live in unity and in harmony with others. You would like to be such a father or mother, that someday your children will be proud of you and respect you for your education, proficiency in the profession, honesty and diligence. To get these advantages, you must now reliably fulfill the duties entrusted to you, develop your abilities and shape your character.
Your future marriage also requires preparation. The basis of marriage is love, which is expressed in daily mutual service. Mutual respect and fidelity are needed in marriage. It all requires prudence and selfish control. Your attitude towards sexual matters will prove this self-control and a sense of responsibility for your future marriage. Try to listen carefully to the instructions and advice, which these parents give in this area, teachers and educators.
As you develop and work to develop true maturity and responsibility, you contribute to the growth of God's Kingdom.

I learn and develop for my motherland

Didn't that make you wonder, that adults care a lot about the young generation. They build a lot of schools. They want to create the best conditions for its development. Adults work in factories and plants, farmers work the land, that everything would be better and better in our homeland. The whole community is trying to create the best conditions for the development of the young generation.
Once, when the young generation grows up, will replace them, and when the adults grow old, will ensure them a peaceful and happy old age.
It is not indifferent to the Motherland, how are you learning now, how you develop your abilities, what skills do you acquire. The future of the Motherland will also depend on you. Concern for health and fitness is also a very important matter. Only healthy people can fully surrender their strength to the Motherland and, if necessary, effectively defend it. If you're healthy, educated, responsible, that is, fully mature, you can also contribute to the good of people of other nationalities, because today we all become one family.
By caring for your personal development, you prepare yourself to serve other people, and as a Christian you thereby collaborate with Christ in building up the kingdom of God.

How will I answer God ?

You have received various abilities from God and you are to develop them, to build up the kingdom of God. Do I only use my family all the time, and I give her nothing in return ? How I work on my character, to prepare for responsibilities in my future family ? How do I use my time ? Am i punctual, verbal and accurate ? Am I not backing off from the effort ?
Do I try to understand my loved ones ? Can I yield ? - to serve ? How do I approach sexual matters ?

■ Think :

1. Do czego wzywa Chrystus w przypowieści o talentach ?
2. How, striving for its own development, you can minister to your family and thus build God's kingdom ?
3. Jak powinieneś przygotowywać się do założenia w przyszłości własnej rodziny ?
4. Komu w przyszłości będziesz służył swoimi zdolnościami, skills ?

■ Remember:

47. „…Good and faithful servant. You were faithful in very few things, I will put you over many : come into the joy of your master " (Mt 25, 21).

■ Task :

Think about it and list these things in your family's life, for which you are already responsible.

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