I. Jesus is baptized in Jordan

“You are my beloved Son!”. The voice from heaven over Jordan referred to Jesus in the highest and unequaled degree, the only true Son of God from all time. But today and in every baptism, these words from heaven are still spoken anew over every baptized person (…). You have to, for a seed of grace to be placed in our hearts, that is, inside the baptized, it grew and bore fruit abundantly (…). Also you, adults, you are called to live according to your baptism, that is, to renew your faith in the Lord and your Church responsibilities, because it, co [at baptism] we exercise, draws us all personally.

II. The Apparition of the Lord Jesus at the wedding at Cana in Galilee

In any case, her trust in her Son is rewarded. Jesus, to whom she completely left the initiative, works a miracle, recognizing the courage and humility of the Mother. Jesus said to them: «Fill the jars with water!». And they filled them to the brim " (J 2, 7). So their obedience also contributes to the abundance of wine. Mary's command: “Do everything, whatever he tells you " (J 2, 5), it is always relevant to Christians in every age, and its purpose is to restore miraculous effects in the life of every human being (…). The mating episode at Cana in Galilee encourages us, that we may be brave in faith and experience the truth of the Gospel words in our lives: "Ask, and it will be given to you ".

III. Proclaiming the kingdom of God and calling to conversion

Man is not a passive witness of God's entry into history. Jesus is calling us, that we may actively seek the kingdom of God and His justice, and that it become our primary concern (by. Mt 6, 33). So man is called, by hands, he collaborated with his mind and heart in spreading God's kingdom in the world. This is especially true of these, who are called to the apostolate and who are, as St.. Paul - "fellow workers in the kingdom of God", but it also applies to every human being.

IV. The Transfiguration on Mount Tabor

At the moment of transformation, the voice of Heavenly Father is heard: “This is my beloved Son, Listen to him!” (Mk 9, 7). These words contain the entire program: we are to listen to Jesus. He reveals the Father to us, because as the Eternal Son he is "the image of the invisible God" (Col. 1, 15), and at the same time - as the true Son of man - he reveals to us, who we are, it reveals man to man himself. So let's not be afraid of Christ! Lifting us to the heights of his divine life, He does not deprive us of humanity, but the opposite, makes us more human, giving full meaning to our personal and social life.

V. Establishment of the Eucharist

Jesus instituted the Eucharist, because he wanted to, that his redemptive sacrifice may be present in every age and for every generation. Let us learn from the Blessed Virgin, whose life was a true "Eucharistic existence". She allowed herself to be completely shaped by the presence of her Divine Son (…). She is full of grace, it is the living tabernacle of the Incarnate Word. Glorifying Christ the Lord present in the Eucharist, let us turn to her with childlike gratitude, which became the royal gate for his coming into the world.

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