Faith in human life

Faith in human life

As you grew, you asked more and more difficult questions to the elders, and most of all their parents and teachers. You asked them about various things, which troubled you. Perhaps there was also a question among them : what man lives for ? You were asking about the meaning of human life in this way.
Who can answer this question ?

Faith in Jesus Christ gives meaning to our lives

People can see, that in nature everything has a meaning and purpose. They also look for meaning in their work and play. They don't like classes, which they consider nonsensical. So everyone is looking for an answer to the question : What is the point of my life ?
Until recently, man could explain the meaning of his life in this way : I will indeed go away, but my work will remain for generations to come. They will benefit from its results. At present, however, the matter becomes more complicated. Man has the means, with which it can destroy all mankind, her achievements and the whole world in general. This means is nuclear weapons. The question then arises : what sense would the existence of people and their effort to rebuild the world make, if there was a nuclear catastrophe across the globe ?
There is only one reasonable answer to this question, when we accept the revelation of Jesus Christ. Getting acquainted with him in the fifth and sixth grade, you found out, that people by their work, through your struggles, and sometimes suffering, they are headed not to their own death, but to God, to eternal life. So when we believe God's revelation, it will give meaning and meaning to our whole life and all our doings. Christ assures us, that our life does not end at death, but at this point it only begins in fullness. We believe, that He is telling the truth. Moreover, you recall from previous years of studying religion, that our job, our effort, not only provide us and others with living conditions, but they prepare us to meet God. So you learn not only for this, to gain a profession and to secure a future and to make some contribution to the good of humanity, which can be destroyed by nuclear war - but also for that, to live forever. God's revelation accepted with faith tells me, that through my effort and my work I am creating something permanent, I am preparing myself for eternal life with God. Furthermore, I am contributing to this as well, that thanks to me other people can connect with God more easily.
When I accept God's Revelation, I am convinced, that none of it will be lost either, what mankind creates in the world. After all, I already know from God's revelation, that when Christ comes again, a new earth and a new heaven will arise. Though I don't know, what this new world will look like, but I do believe, that God will transform the present world into a better and more magnificent world.

Faith illuminates even the most difficult moments of life

Each of us faces the specter of death. We rarely think about it. It seems to us, that only others have to die, and it will pass us. It is God's revelation that allows us to look at this truth without losing the joy of life.
Every person carries a death sentence from the beginning of his life, awareness of it, that he must die, without faith in eternal life, it would be tragic and shocking. That is why the words of Christ received in faith are truly joyful news for us : Who believes in me, even if he died, will live " (J 11, 25).
It is not only about one's own death. The death of those closest to us and those we love is also certain. If my mother dies sooner than me, father, brat, sister or someone else very dear to me, seems, as if the whole world had collapsed beneath me. I am losing these, without which I cannot imagine my life. Faith assures me, that I will meet again with these people one day. Disconnecting from them won't last forever. We are all headed for God, and after death we will live with Him forever.
For example, someone finds out, that he has cancer and can live for no more than two or three years. But these will be years of suffering and unbearable pain. Seeing this, we ask : What is the point of such a life ? Who will benefit from his sufferings? ? They certainly do not give the sick person happiness. And those, who do not believe in God, they don't see their point. But faith tells us, that even such a life, full of suffering and pain, has great value for both the sick person, as well as for other people. Through his sufferings, man joins Christ's saving passion and death and thus contributes to the salvation of himself and of others.
There are many such situations in human life, in which we can understand the meaning of our existence only through God's revelation received with faith. Only a look through faith illuminates the darkness of human life and brings a bright ray of hope, that after death we will live with God forever.

How will I answer God ?

You probably understand better now, why at the end of the rite of baptism, when one of the parents or godparents lights a candle, the priest addresses them with words : “It is entrusted to you to maintain this light, parents and godparents, to your child, enlightened by Christ, always acted like a child of light, and by being in faith, could go out to meet the coming Lord, together with all the saints in heaven ".
It is Christ who enlightens me through his revelation and shows me the way to God. This reminds us of the rite of baptism, when between the readings of the Scriptures. we sing or speak the words of Christ : ,,I am the light of the world. Who follows me, will have the light of life " (by. J 8, 12). So I want to walk with Christ, who is my light on the way to meet God.

■ Remember :

9. „Ja jestem drogą i prawdą, and life " (J 14, 6).

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