Prayer to Tadeusz Juda to ask for graces

Prayer to St.. Tadeusz Juda to ask for graces

Saint Jude Thaddeus,

Ty, who are known as the patron of hopeless cases and the refuge of these, who have lost hope, I turn to you with humility and trust, begging for your intercession.

I know, that my sins and negligence have separated me from God, but I believe in Your powerful prayer and mercy. Please, Saint Jude Thaddeus, that you would ask God for graces for me, that I need so much.

I'm asking you:

  • (name specific graces, you are asking for)

I trust, that Your love and compassion for sinners will embrace me and help me return to the path of salvation. I promise, that I will try to live a more Christian life and imitate your faith and zeal.

I beg you, Saint Jude Thaddeus, don't reject my request. Be my advocate with God and help me obtain grace, that I need so much.


Extra prayers:

  • You can add your personal intentions and requests to this prayer.
  • You can also pray a novena to Saint Jude Thaddeus, which lasts nine days.
  • You can wear a Saint Jude Thaddeus medallion or place an image of him in your home as a reminder of his protection.

remember, that Saint Jude Thaddeus is always ready to listen to these prayers, who turn to him with faith and trust. Don't lose hope and pray with all your heart.

Prayer for peace and unity

Saint Jude Thaddeus, I am asking you for peace and unity in the world. Pray for these, who suffer from war, violence and persecution. Help us build bridges of peace and understanding between people. Teach us to forgive and love our enemies. Pray for these, who have lost hope and faith. Help them find the way to God and to peace in their hearts. We ask you for this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


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