Christ introduces man into the new creation through baptism

Christ introduces man into the new creation through baptism

You certainly do, that good should prevail in the world. You do, that victory can only be achieved in Jesus Christ. So what should be done, to unite with Christ the Conqueror ?

Immersed in Christ's death and resurrection

God teaches us in St.. Paul to the Romans, as Christ unites us to Himself : "Don't you know, that all of us, who have been baptized into Christ Jesus, we were immersed in his death ? So, by baptism into death, we were buried with Him for this, that we too may enter a new life, how Christ rose from the dead thanks to the glory of the Father " (Rz 6, 3-4). Jesus Christ unites man with himself through Baptism. He makes, that his Passover, that is, the transition from death to life, it becomes the Passover for the baptized, that is, the source of his transition from the death of sin to a new life in God. For baptism takes away> equally original sin, as well as all personal sins. Therefore, baptized with Christ, he dies to sin, and from then on he lives for God - he co-dies and rises with Christ.
Moreover, baptism leaves an indelible mark on the soul of the recipient, which we call the "character" of baptism. By virtue of this character of baptism, man becomes the exclusive property of Christ for ever. Every Christian can say for St.. Paul : ,.I am not alive anymore, but Christ lives in me " (Ga 2, 20).
It all happens through the power of the Holy Spirit, whom the baptized person receives through the merits of Christ (by. Dz 9, 17-18).
Formerly, St.. often by triple immersion in and out of the water, with a triple profession of faith. This rite alluded to the words of St.. Paul about our immersion in Christ's death and resurrection with him. Currently, the priest sprinkles the baptized person's head with water and utters the words : ,,I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit ". Baptism of St.. according to the new rite, it can also be administered by immersion in water.

The water sign of salvation history

Why did Christ choose the sign of water to include us in the paschal mystery, that is, in his death and resurrection ? We find the answer to this question in the prayer for the consecration of water on Holy Saturday. In this prayer the Church remembers the great works of God, which He made by the sign of water. Mentioning the waters at the beginning of creation, over which the Spirit of God hovered over them, The Church realizes, that even then the water had received from God the power to sanctify. When he talks about the waters of the flood, it shows us the importance of water as a punishment for sins for some and as a salvation for others. Thus, the waters of the flood are for the Church a symbol of the waters of Holy Baptism. The waters of the Red Sea have a similar meaning, who lost the Egyptians, and saved the Israelites. The sign of sanctification is the water of the Jordan, in which Jesus was baptized, and water, which flowed from the side of Christ and gave rise to the life of the Church. Hence, on the Easter Vigil, with the words of this prayer, the Church praises God for his great works accomplished in the history of salvation through the sign of water..

A Christian participates in Christ's missionary activity

Baptized man, reconciled with God in Christ, becomes a child of God, brother of Christ and temple of the Holy Spirit (by. 1 Disease 6, 19) and becomes part of the community of life with God. This is undoubtedly a great gift from God. At the same time, it is a call and an ability to do this in the modern world, what Christ did.
There are still many people in the world, who do not know and love Christ, but they are waiting for him. Who will announce Him to them ? You have received the grace of faith through other people, but you didn't get it just for yourself. It was during your baptism that you were called and gifted to proclaim this, what Christ preached - to proclaim the Good News. This is your assignment in the Church, which you can fulfill with words, by life's example or some other way. The proclaimer of the Good News in the name of God is like a prophet. He should be very inventive and active.
Moreover, Christ the Lord enables every baptized person to transform the world for the common good of all people and for the glory of God. The world created by God, still needs improvement. God wants, that man, through technical and social progress, would make this world a better and better home for all people. That is why it is in technical progress, in social progress, Man, by God's will, becomes the lord and king of creation.

How will I answer God ?

I know, Lord God, that I am thanks to Jesus Christ ,,a new creation ". Through my baptism, you included me in a new life. Through baptism, I became a child of God, I was grafted into the community of life of God the Father, The Son of God and the Holy Spirit. From the moment of my baptism I have been called and qualified to fulfill Christ's prophetic and royal duties. So how do I do my job at school, at home or other tasks entrusted to me ? Do I take them with others in mind?, or only about yourself and your loved ones ? Do I look at my every job like cosmonaut Gordon Cooper, who in space prayed like this : "Thanks, father, for that, that you allowed me to participate in this flight on behalf of all people. Thank you for the honor, which I was able to access when I was up here, in this place, from where I am able to see all these many and amazing things, you have created. Lead us, guide us and help us all live like this, that we try to help each other, instead of arguing with each other and fighting… We are begging in your name !”

■ Think :

1. What is according to St.. Paul's baptism ?

2. Calculate, what are the ways of administering baptism.

3. Why should baptized persons do their job well ?

4. How the Church on Holy Saturday explains the sign of the water used in baptism ?

■ Remember :

2. What Christ does in the sacrament of baptism ?

In the sacrament of Baptism, Christ includes man in his death and resurrection, takes away original sin, gives the Holy Spirit, gives God's life and impresses with an indelible mark.

3. Who becomes the baptized person ?

The baptized person becomes a brother of Christ, a son of the Father and a temple of the Holy Spirit.

4. How does the baptized person participate in Christ's work? ?

The baptized person participates in the tasks of Christ, when he proclaims the Good News by word and life, when he transforms the world for the good of all people to the glory of the Father.

5. What activity and what words are required for baptism ?

For baptism, it is necessary to pour water and say the words at the same time : "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit ".

■ Task :

1. The Church in Poland entered the second millennium. Write in your notebook, what do you think will face us in the new millennium? ?

2. When you meet an unbelieving friend or colleague, who are willing to talk to you about religious topics, what will you do then ? Do you think about them too, when you attend catechesis ?

3. Why a Christian, who only deals with God, and not interested in people, he is not a full Christian ?

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