God reveals His holiness in the chosen people

Israelites the Red SeaGod reveals His holiness in the chosen people

If someone asked you, what do you know about god, then you could probably answer him like that :
I know, that God (Creator) he chose one nation for himself, he made a covenant with him and made him his special property. He led this people and looked after them like a good father. Furthermore, he was always among his people ; he was fair to him, and full of mercy. He revealed himself to the chosen people as a spiritual being and as the only God of all people.
Would you be able to answer?, why God, who thus revealed himself to the people, St.. very often calls "saint", or "saint of Israel" ? Why is this term so important?, that it is like the second name of God ?

God three times Holy

In the prophet Isaiah we read a story about it, as God taught him about his holiness : “In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, sitting on a high and lofty throne, and the train of his garment filled the temple. The seraphs stood above Him ; each of them had six wings ; with two he covered his face, with two he covered his legs, and with two he flew. And he called out to one another : «Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory ».
From this voice, who was calling, The doorframes trembled, and the temple was filled with smoke.
And I said : "I'm sorry. I am lost ! After all, I am a husband with unclean lips, and my eyes saw the king, The Lord God of hosts ». One of the seraphim then flew to me, holding coal in hand, which he took from the altar with forceps. He touched my mouth with it and said : «It has touched your lips ; your guilt is blotted out, your sin is softened »" (From 6, 1-7).
In this pictorial account of God's revelation to Isaiah, the word is repeated three times : "Holy, Holy, Holy". God instructed us through this, that He is Holy and that His Holiness is infinitely great. He also instructed us, that he is above all and above all, that he is infinitely perfect. Although he is completely different from all creatures - i.e. Holy, however, it wants to be close to the human being.

Holy God himself draws near to people

The Chosen People were the first to experience God's closeness. Therefore, the Scriptures. calls God "the Holy One of Israel". God, through His works in the chosen people, revealed to all people, that although he is three times holy and infinitely great, yet he chose to be present among his people in a special way. A sign of this presence was : the holy city of jerusalem temple, Ark of the Covenant, holy days, priests and sacrifices. Those people, places and things were also called saints, because they resembled, that God is among his people, to bring him closer to your holiness and to share in it. Therefore, the Scriptures. calls the chosen people "holy people", that is, close to God and related to God. "To (everybody) they have seen and known, they considered and understood, for the hand of the Lord made it, that the Holy One of Israel did it ".

“Be saints, because I am holy, Your God "

God, who made his people a holy people, that is, close to yourself, called him, that he may do well at all times, that is, he led a holy life. He said to the people : "Be saints, because I am holy, Your God ". And when the Chosen People did not confirm this order with their lives, God complained through the prophets about apostasy and the evil life of his people : “They rejected the law of the Lord God of hosts and despised it, what the Holy One of Israel said ". Israel's sins hid the image of a holy God from other nations. God constantly exhorted the people to improve and sanctify their lives, that all nations may know, that the God of Israel is 96 Holy. That is why God required his people not only to follow religious laws, but most of all justice, obedience to God and love.

How will I answer God ?

On the fifth Sunday in ordinary time (year C) The Church reads the revelation of the Holy God to Isaiah. It is a call to all people, to become saints.

With Holy God, who came close to us, you meet every Sunday and feast during the Eucharistic Assembly. God has given us his Son, Jesus Christ, as the source of our holiness.

Together with him, during the Eucharistic Prayer, we praise the Holy God with words drawn from the prophecy of Isaiah :

"Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest…”

And the priest addresses God on behalf of the people :

"Truly you are Holy, God, and every creature rightly glorifies you, for through your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you enliven and sanctify everything

During the Holy Mass. along with others, you worship God. And how you show it in your life, that you are close to the Holy God ? What are you doing, that your life may be holy and worthy of a member of God's holy people ?

Not only with words, but I also want to praise God's holy name with my life.

■ Think:

1. Jak prorok Izajasz ukazuje nam świętość Boga ?
2. What does it mean, that God is Holy ?
3. W jaki sposób Bóg objawia swoją świętość ?
4. Jak rozumiesz wyrażenie : "The saint of Israel" ?
5. Dlaczego naród wybrany nazywamy „Ludem świętym” ?
6. What God is calling people to, when he reveals himself to them as Holy ?
7. W jaki sposób powinna przejawiać się świętość Ludu Bożego ?

■ Remember:

60. What does it mean, that God is Holy ?
God is Holy, it means, that it is completely different from anything else, what is made ; infinitely beyond everything, what exists ; he is infinitely perfect.

61. Przez co Bóg objawia swoją świętość ? God reveals his holiness by acting throughout the history of salvation.

62. Do czego Bóg wzywa tych ludzi, which he allows to fellowship with himself ? These people, whom God allows to fellowship with himself, it calls for the sanctity of life.

■ Task :

1. Wypisz w zeszycie te cechy, which you think a holy man should possess.
2. Think and write, how is the holiness of man different from that of God ?

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