You have to renounce

You have to renounce

Nowadays, many young people work professionally and study at the same time. So he often has to give up cinema, a walk or a trip. He spends eight hours at work, and he devotes his afternoons and evenings to study. He wants to get an education. There are, however, some boys and girls, who act completely different. They only think about it, how to get money from parents for a movie or other event. They are not interested in the future - just to have fun now. You are a young Christian. Judge, as a Christian, these young people : which conduct is more valuable ? What you choose yourself and find valuable ?

The value of renunciation

Renunciation for your own good

When the school year ends and you get a good certificate, you experience a lot of joy and satisfaction. You move on to the next class. You already have a whole year of work behind you, which cost you a lot of sacrifice. You will have a quiet vacation. You convince yourself, that renouncing more than one pleasure during the year has paid off very much. You know now, that you did the right thing, when you gave up sitting in front of the TV, computer or being with friends on the field, to do homework. Thanks to the renunciation you have gained a lot of new and interesting news. You have perfected your personality at the same time, your character. You have contributed to this to some extent in this way, that you will be able to fulfill your future profession better. You have also earned the right to respect and recognition.

Renunciation to others

You can achieve great achievements by your own effort and persistent work. Nevertheless, each of us constantly needs the help of other people. We are not enough alone. We constantly use the work of others, which also costs them a lot. They have the right to use our work, which again demands renunciation of us. So we mutually self-sacrifice, not only for our own good, but also for the benefit of others. For let's think, what would happen to a sick little child, if his mother did not want to give up the sleep she needed and did not get up several times during the night, to help the little one ?

What would be the fate of children, if the father of the family said one day : ,,I'm fed up with sacrifices and troubles. I don't feel like working on you. I also deserve something from life ". The fate of children is tragic, whose parents do not want to make sacrifice and sacrifice for them.

Doctor called on a cold night, is obliged to get up and go to the sick, although it costs him a lot. The nurse should watch over the sick with great care. Each profession requires constant effort, patience and austerity.

Heroic renunciation

There is an even higher degree of renunciation. Do you remember, how many people during the Nazi occupation enlisted in the guerrilla action. Peace was giving up, and even from life after that, that we may live in a free homeland today. We call such a sacrifice for others heroic, that is, heroic. There are also situations in peacetime, which require heroic renunciation, e.g.. during a flood, fire or hurricane. Every year you hear about it on the radio or read it in the press.
So you see, that it is worthwhile and one must renounce. Not even this, what nice and fun. Our own good and the good of other people require it.
Renunciation is even more necessary for the sake of society. Willing to create the common good and live in harmony with everyone, one has to make many sacrifices and austerities. This is the law of life. Man, who is unable or unwilling to renounce anything for other people, he is a harmful egoist. He thinks only about himself. He only cares about his own interests. With his greed, he often goes to the point of harming his fellow men. Selfishness always causes human harm. Although we are aware of the value, which the renunciation entails, we constantly find, that it is extremely difficult. So we ask, where we find strength to renounce ? Who can stimulate us and strengthen us in continuing to renounce ?

Jesus Christ calls for renunciation

To the question just posed, look for the answer in the Gospel.
W 24 Sunday in ordinary time (year B) in the church you will hear the story of St.. Brand, in which Jesus speaks of the need for renunciation : And began to lecture them, that the Son of Man must suffer much, that he would be rejected by the elders, high priests and scribes ; that he would be killed, but after three days he will rise again. And he spoke these words completely openly. Then Peter took him aside and began rebuking him. But He turned and, looking at his students, he rebuked Peter with words : " Get out of my face, Satan, because you don't think about it, what god, but about it, what's human ».
Then he summoned the crowd with his disciples and told them : «If anyone wants to follow me, let him deny himself, let him take up his cross and follow me »" (Mk 8, 31-34).
When Jesus announces his passion and death to his apostles, Piotr cannot come to terms with it. He thinks so, how many people. Suffering, torment and death are considered unnecessary. But the Lord Jesus rebukes and chastises Peter for it. God judges otherwise.
The above event expresses a truth that is important for the Church and for the world of all times : the world will be saved through the free sacrifice and renunciation of the Son of God, by the greatest love. God also invites all the baptized to follow the same path. There is no other way to cooperate with Christ, like the way of love, sacrifices and sacrifices.
Christ, through his voluntary sacrifice of love, has overcome sin and selfishness. We, too, joined to him by baptism can, like him, overcome sin and selfishness through love with him., renunciation and sacrifice.

How will I answer God ?

More than once in my life I have renounced many nice and pleasant things, to get something of value. Sometimes it was very hard for me.
Now I understand better the value of renunciation and sacrifice in everyone's life, especially a Christian. But I know it well, that this awareness will not make the renunciation easier. However, it will help me choose this in my life, what's more valuable.
I will ask God often, to understand better and better the value and meaning of renunciation for the sake of God's kingdom. I will also ask for help and strength to do this. I will ask myself now :
What do I choose, when at the same time I am faced with an opportunity for pleasant entertainment and fulfillment of duty ?
What am I doing, when I can only go about my own favorite things, and at the same time I will find out, that one of my neighbors badly needs my help ? Would I be ready for a heroic sacrifice ? When the choice will cost you a lot, seek help from God. Ask him with words :

Only God will help me,
Ten, what the whole world has created.
They raise my eyes to the mountains,
Where can I find a hand ?
Only God will help me,
Ten, what the whole world has created.
Only God…
He won't let you fall,
He will watch over you vigilantly,
Ten, who protects his people,
He will not fall asleep.
Only God…
The Lord is your Guardian and Protector,
It continues by your side,
During the day, the sun will not shock you,
Not on the night of the moon shine.
Only God…
God will keep you from evil,
He will take care of him,
He will guard at every step,
Now and forever.
Only God…”
(Ps 120 from "Bible Worship").

■ Think:

1. What kind of austerities do we encounter in life ?
2. What do we mean by heroic renunciation, that is, heroic ?
3. What God calls us to do in reading v 24 Sunday during the year ?
4. Why is it impossible to be a disciple of Christ without renunciation and sacrifice? ?

■ Remember:

51. "If anyone wants to follow me, let him deny himself, let him take up his cross and follow me " (Mk 8, 34).

52. Why does every human being need to make sacrifice and sacrifice? ?
Everyone must make sacrifice and sacrifice, for his own good and the good of his community require it, in which he lives.

53. Why does a Christian make sacrifice and renunciation ?
A Christian makes sacrifice and renunciation, to answer Christ's call to fight selfishness, who interferes with the building of God's kingdom.

■ Task :

1. What would life be like, in which no one would like to renounce anything ?
2. Report an event, known to you from the press or on the radio, of heroically renouncing his life for others.

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