In the personal prayer of a Christian, Christ glorifies the Father

In the personal prayer of a Christian, Christ glorifies the Father

Man wants to be not only with other people, but he also wants to meet God. Among people, community is built up and deepened through conversation. The believer is convinced, that God is the cause of everything, and at the same time he is a Father to man. God wants to be with people. Or also with God, just like with people, you can start a conversation ?

The believer prays to God

There are different religions in the world, e.g : hinduizm, Buddhism, islam, Judaisms, Christianity. They are very different from each other. But they all know prayer.

And this is how the followers of the Hindu religion pray to their deity :
“We praise you from ancient times
I dziś, and tomorrow, Maruno mighty.
They are resting on you, like on hard rock, Which will not disappoint, all eternal laws.
Take my own sins away from me”
(Rig-Weda 2,28).

Muslims, who worship the one God and call Him Allah, they pray like that :
"In the name of Allah, the compassionate and the loving
Praise be to Allah, rulers of the worlds…
you, Lord, we honor and invoke your protection,
lead us on the way of salvation " (Koran 1,1).

And this was the prayer of the Babylonian people :
"My hope is in you, my thoughts turn to you.
I pray to you, to you, you take this curse away from me,
wash away my guilt and crimes, blot away bad deeds and sins…
Let my prayer of supplication come to you.
Let Your great mercy flow upon me ".

People most often ask for help in their prayers. It is a prayer of supplication, expressing faith in God's omnipotence and providence. They also give thanks for the received goods - it is a prayer of thanksgiving, recognizing the goodness and love of God. Atonement prayer is an expression of guilt over wrongdoing toward God. In it, people ask for forgiveness, and thus they express faith, that God is holy and just. Seeing the greatness and beauty of the world, people admired the Creator God and turned to Him in prayer of praise.
Even these people can pray like that today, who profess no religion. We respect it all, which is true and holy in different religions. We also respect the laws of these religions and their various practices. They point us, how man seeks fellowship with the true God.

Christ enriches man's prayer

Christ prayed often. St.. describes, as he prayed before the multiplication of the Bread, before the transfiguration on Mount Tabor, before the resurrection of Lazarus, he prayed in the Upper Room, and especially in the Garden of Olives. St.. he also gives us a prayer, which the Lord Jesus taught us (Luke 11, 1-4).

Christ has instructed us to turn to God as to the Father : with faith, love and devotion. Christ is our Mediator.
We were grafted onto Christ through baptism, united to Christ, who continually glorifies the Father. That is why the Christian does not remain alone in his prayer. Christ prays with him. A Christian's prayer is being with the Father through Christ, in the Holy Spirit. God first came into contact with man, for he sent his Son, to reconcile us with ourselves. God's Son constantly intercedes for us.

My prayer

Through baptism you are united with Christ. Jesus' prayer accompanied all the events of his life, and its main content was a request for the fulfillment of God's intentions. We too should pray, that God's will may be fulfilled through us.
God uses people to carry out His will. That is why a Christian in prayer wants to understand God's will. Wonders, what and how should he do.
What am I talking to God about ? Do I remember praying about choosing my future profession? ? Can I talk to God about various things in my family ?
Our prayer should be related to our experiences. As a man needs another man, other people's things should be so close to us. The matters of my colleagues should be the content of my prayer, homelands and human affairs.

I will answer God with a prayer of thanks for everything, what I got from him :

,?Bless, my soul, Until, and all that I am within is His holy name. Bless, my soul, Until, and do not forget all his blessings.

He forgives all your sins,
He heals all your sickness,
He saves your life from destruction,
He crowns you with grace and mercy,
He saturates your days with good”

(Ps 102, 1-5a).

■ Think :

1. Co wspólnego mają wszystkie religie ?
2. Dlaczego ludzie szukają kontaktu z Bogiem ?
3. Jak powinniśmy się odnosić do różnych religii i ich praktyk ?
4. Jakie rodzaje modlitwy spotykamy w różnych religiach ?
5. What Scripture. speaks of Christ's prayer ?
6. Jak Chrystus ubogaca modlitwę człowieka ?
7. Co powinno być treścią modlitwy chrześcijanina ?

■ Remember:

36. „Zawsze się radujcie, pray incessantly, give thanks in every position, for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ for you " (1 Your 5, 16-18).

■ Task :

1. Write, what a student should associate with praying for God's blessing in science ?
2. Jaki wydźwięk dodatni czy ujemny ma przysłowie : ,,When the fear, it's up to God ” ?

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