Scripture speaks of man created by God

creation of manScientists study human history. They are looking for his traces, discover tools, which were used by the most ancient people. They find human graves and bones. These excavations help them establish, how long does man exist on earth, how he used to look and how he lived. Scholars are also wondering about this, where did man come from on earth from whom he comes. They are also looking for an answer to the question, who is man ? And what does God's revelation say about man ?

Scripture tells about the creation of man

St.. it speaks not only about God, but also about man. God tells us in Scripture., where did man come from on earth and who he is. The creation poem also mentions the creation of man.
“And finally God said : «Let us make man in our image, like Nam. Let him have dominion over the sea fish, over the birds of the air, over cattle, over all the earth and over all the beasts of the earth ! »So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him : he created male and female " (Gen. 1, 26-27).
And elsewhere in the Book of Genesis we read :
“It was then that the Lord God formed a man out of the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, as a result of which man became a living being " (Gen. 2, 7).

What God says to you in this Bible account ?

In this biblical story about the creation of man, the Holy Scriptures. he also uses images, as in the poem about the creation of the world. God, who creates man, portrays as a potter. This image means, that God is the Creator of man.

Man is associated with nature

Words ,,God made man out of the dust of the earth ”they mean, that man is a part of nature. His body is made of these elements, we meet in the ground, in plants and animals. Man sees just like animals, hears, feels. It needs the same living conditions as plants and animals, so the sun, air, water, food.
There are no obstacles on the part of faith, to accept, that the human body is derived from an animal. For the human body is like an animal body. Man is associated with nature throughout his life.

Man is a spiritual being

Although man is so closely related to nature, however, he is a unique creature on earth. St.. expresses this truth figuratively : After creating the human body, God revived it with his "breath" (Gen. 2, 7). It is not mentioned in the description of the creation of animals. It means, that man is associated not only with the material world, animal, but also with the spiritual world ^ Man is one whole : soul and body. There is no human without a body, without a soul there is no man. We know, that the human body is mortal. It decomposes after death. The human soul, however, as the Church believes and teaches, it is immortal, that is, indestructible. It is immaterial, endowed with reason and free will. Therefore, although the human body may be derived from animals, is impossible, that the human soul is derived from the animal soul, who is dying. Man thinks, reasoning, he is aware of his actions, he says. It is also free, knows how to choose between good and evil. It can run and refrain from acting. Therefore, he is responsible for his actions. Man can desire and love. Thanks to the immortal soul, man is the image of God (by. Gen. 1, 27).

Man lives in community

St.. underlines, that God made male and female. God gave the man a woman as a companion, because "it's not good, that the man was alone " (Gen. 2, 18). She is also human, "Bone of bone and flesh of flesh" of a man (Gen. 2, 23). They are both supposed to help each other and love each other. All people are equal. They form one big family, which should be guided by love and justice. The name "Adam" used by the inspired author means "man". The name "Eve" means "life-giving".

Man worships God

We live among nature and people. We use nature. People help us and we help people. Yet God has given us the whole world. He put us among other people. Can we forget about it? ? We should seek Him and worship Him with the whole world and with people. Therefore, as a material and spiritual being, man worships God not only in thought, but also outside. He expresses his honor with gestures and singing. As a being associated with the world of nature, he uses material objects in the liturgy : water, Bread, wine, oil, etc., he builds churches and erects altars. By doing so, he recognizes God as his Creator and Lord, and at the same time for the Creator and Lord of the entire universe.

How will I answer God ?

God made me out of love. I want to love my Creator and all people, my brothers. I want to worship God with them. I will do it in the words of a psalm :

"O our God, Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth!
You have exalted your majesty above the heavens, You did, that even the lips of children and infants give You praise.
When I look at your sky, the work of your fingers,
Moon and stars, which you have established: What is man, that you remember about him, and with what - the son of man, that you take care of him ?
You made him a little smaller than the celestial beings,
You crowned it with glory and honor "

(Ps 8, 1.3 i 4).

Similar thoughts are expressed in the song of the Polish poet, Franciszek Karpiński :

“When the auroras rise in the morning, To you earth, To you the sea,

Every element sings to you, be praised, great God.

And the man, which without measure, showered with your gifts,

Something created him and saved him, and why would he not praise you ?”

■ Think:

1. How the Book of Genesis describes the creation of man ?

2. Which means, that man was made of "dust of the earth" ?

3. How the inspired author expressed the truth, that man is a unique creature ?

4. Why the Scriptures. underlines, that God made man and unbelief ?

5. What do the names "Adam" and "Eve" mean ?

■ Remember:

12. Who is the man?
Man is the most perfect creation of God on earth. It is related to the natural world, and at the same time he is a spiritual being and lives in a community.

■ Task :
Point, in which man is superior to all other creatures in nature.

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