The scriptures talk about the creation of the world

creation of the worldPeople have long been interested in the world, that surrounds them. They research him and try to find out, how long has it been in existence, how it was created and what laws govern its development. You'll find out, that the scholars divided the development of the earth into great periods of time, the so-called. geological eras. All people are very interested in the question, where the world comes from ? Scholars have long been trying to answer them. Some say, that the world has always existed. Others do, that it had to start and it depends on someone, who gave him existence and instituted the law of development, What does God's revelation say about the beginning of the world ?

A biblical poem about the creation of the world

St.. talks about the world, about its origin and beginning. On the first page of the Scriptures, in the book of Genesis, there is a poem about the creation of the world. It is a pictorial story, arranged according to your imaginations, what the inspired author had about the world. Therefore, you cannot take everything literally in this description.

The creation poem begins this way :

“In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. The earth was chaotic and empty : darkness was over the surface of the vastness of waters,
and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Then God said: «Let there be light!»
And there was light.
God seeing, that the light is good, separated her from the darkness.
And God called the light a day, and the darkness he called night.
And so was the evening and the morning - the first day " (Gen. 1, 1-5).
You can read the rest of this poem from the Bible. : Gen. 1, 6-31 ; 2, 1-4.

What God tells us in the poem about the creation of the world ?

In the poem about creation, God does not tell us about it, that he created the world through 6 days, nor in what order, when and how the individual creatures appeared : Sun, the stars, Earth, plants, animals etc.. Man himself can discover all this over time. This is what scientists do. You will learn about the development of the world and life on earth in geography lessons, biology, botaniki, zoologii, palaeontology etc..

In the poem about the creation of the world, God reveals to us, that :

1. God created the world and is its Lord.

2. The world is good, because God made it.

3. On every seventh day, one should rest and dedicate it to God.

What does "to create" ?

St.. it shows us to create the world in this way : God commands - "Let it be done…”And it immediately becomes it, what God commands : light arises, plants appear, animals etc..

Theologians wonder about this, what does it mean, that God made the world. They explain, that to create is to bring into existence out of nothing. When God made the world, he did not use the material, nor tools, nor helpers.

Only God can create, who is almighty. That is why we call Him the Creator God.

A biblical poem about creation in the liturgy

During the Easter eve, we solemnly read the poem about the creation of the world in the church. Why ? God creates the world for man. Here she wishes to meet him, bestow him with your friendship and your love. In the most perfect way, God has shown his love for us in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When on the Easter Vigil we remember and experience the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - God, who, by creating the world, showed us his love, here he gives us his goods. Therefore, the first reading from Scripture. tells us about the creation of the world.

How will I answer God ?

When I look at the world, when I get to know him more closely during my studies, then it is easier for me to think of God the Creator, who loves me… On Easter eve, after hearing the biblical poem about creation, we express our admiration and gratitude to the Creator with the words of the Psalm 103. With the same words, I can thank God for the work of creation : "Bless my soul, Until!
O God my Lord, you are very great! Clothed in splendor and majesty, cloaked in light as with a cloak…
You have strengthened the earth at its foundations ; it will not waver forever and ever.
You covered her with a garment in the Great Abyss, the waters stood over the mountains…
You direct the spas to the streams, which ooze among the mountains…
Birds of the air live above them, from among the branches he utters his voice.
You water the mountains from your chambers, to fill the earth with the fruit of your works. You make grass for the cattle and the plants grow, to serve man, that he may draw bread from the field…
How many are your works, Lord!
You have done everything wisely : the earth is full of your creatures… Bless my soul, Until!
Alleluia !”

(Ps 103, 1-2a. 5-6. 10. 12-14. 24. 35 c). A song by a Polish author ,,When You Seek God ”will help you to view the world as the work of God the Creator :

“When you are looking for God, look at the flowers, look at the mountains and the dark forest.
From each trip you will come back rich and fill your time with new content.
For the whole world is full of traces of God And every thing contains His thought; great peak, muddy’ the country road is His sign, who left you "
(Words and Muses. : FROM. Clarity).

Now you will speak with more understanding :

"I believe in god, The almighty father, Creator of heaven and earth ".

■ Think:

1. Where do we find out, that God made the world ?

2. What God reveals to us in the biblical creation poem ?

3. How to understand the biblical poem about the creation of the world ?

4. When we read the biblical poem about the creation of the world in the liturgy ?

5. What does "to create" ?

■ Remember:

10. What Scripture. speaks of the origin of the world ?

St.. he says, that God made the world.

11. Who reveals to us in the biblical poem about the creation of the world ?

In the biblical poem about the creation of the world, an almighty and loving God is revealed to us.

■ Task :

1. Read in Scripture. Gen. 1, 1-31 or the first reading of the liturgy of the Easter Vigil. 2. find out, what the natural sciences say about the beginning of the earth ? - about the age of the earth ? - about the first condition of the earth ?

■ Compare:

Word of god: "All your works, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever. The angels of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever. Heavens bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever. All the waters under the sky, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever. The sun and the moon, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever. The stars of the sky, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever… Frosts and cold, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever. Light and dark, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever. Lightning and clouds, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever… Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord, praise and glorify him for ever… All godly, bless the Lord, God of gods, praise and praise, for his steadfast love is forever " (by. Dn 3, 57-90).

"Ask the animals - they will instruct. And the birds in the air will say. Ask the underground, will explain ; and the fish in the sea will instruct you. Who would not know that, that the hand of God made everything " (Job 12, 7-9).

“Every house is built by someone, and Tim, who built everything, there is God " (Hbr 3, 4).

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath of his mouth. Because he himself spoke, and everything was created ; He himself ordered, and it began to exist " (Ps 32, 6-9).

The teaching of the Church : „…because you are great and in wisdom and love you created all your works " (from Eucharistic Prayer IV).

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