The world tells us about God

planet earthThe world is beautiful

You must have been in the woods more than once, on the meadow, in the field, in the garden or in the park. Maybe it hit you, that that, what did you see there, it is beautiful and wonderful. Cfiyba you also watched beautiful views and landscapes in the movies. Maybe you've seen color photos of the Earth, which were made during space flight. Have you heard or read about it, how cosmonauts admired beauty, the splendor and greatness of our planet.
Look at the flower. Maybe he reminds you of God, who made it ?
Have you seen the Dunajec gorge ? Whom the beautiful landscape brings to mind ?
And the cosmos ? Who does he testify to ?
The whole beautiful and rich world is a sign of God and bears witness to it, that God, who made it, it is great and wonderful.

The world is a mystery

The world is beautiful and wonderful, but maybe you think, that not everything in it is purposeful and wise.
Fire is useful and necessary, yet he can burn down an entire village. Without water, life on earth would be impossible. And yet how much damage is caused by floods.
The whole world holds many secrets, which people for centuries have been trying to discover and understand with great difficulty.
Life, which is in the seed, remains a mystery. We constantly encounter new secrets, hidden in nature. And even if we achieved something, we encounter further mysteries. Discovering the secrets of nature, always leads to new questions, to new nature puzzles, to new searches and discoveries.
World, which hides so many secrets, it tells us, that God, his Creator, is the greatest mystery. God is incomprehensible. Read on, what the poet writes about it :

"There is a champion, which all the spirits took to the choir
And he tuned all hearts to the song, All the elements are stretched like strings:
And winds and lightning strike upon them,
He sings one song and plays from the beginning :
And the world has not understood its thread so far. Master, what he painted the sky blue and the paintings reflected on the wave background,
He carved colossal patterns on the top of the mountains, and in the depths of the earth he cast them out of metals:
And the world for so many centuries, with so many works, He did not understand one thought of the Creator ".
Adam Mickiewicz : "Grandmaster".

Man is also a mystery

Not only the world around you, but also man himself remains a mystery to himself. Do you know, that not all have the same abilities. One can draw beautifully, and the other does not. You ask: why are people so different ? You live, you love life, but it remains a mystery to you, how long will you live. You have some kind of suffering, you know about it, but you don't always understand its meaning and need. You want to do good, yet sometimes you do wrong. You don't understand yourself. You want to understand yourself and other people, and you are facing difficulties. So not only the world, but man is also a mystery.
How incomprehensible God is, who made the world and man.

God calls for reflection on the mystery of the world

God, by creating the world and man, has already started a conversation with him. He bears witness to himself. He calls to look for himself. The Scriptures tell us about it. : "The greatness and beauty of creatures is known through the likeness of their Creator" (Mdr 13, 5). And these, who did not know their Creator of the creatures, rebukes like that : ,,They failed to know It by the visible goods, which is, looking at the works, they did not recognize the Creator… And if they admired their power and action, they should know it, how much more powerful is This, who made them " (Mdr 13, 1b.4). A man endowed with reason should get to know this world more and more deeply and thus reach its Creator. The explored mysteries of the world should lead him to the mystery of God.

How will I answer God ?

Consider, do you thank God for a world so great and wonderful.
Do you know, that the knowledge of the world leads you to know God, which is great and inconceivable ?
Can you see the world as a sign of God? ?
Perhaps you can express your love and adoration for God in the words of a psalm :
“Heaven proclaims the glory of God, The sky announces the work of his hands. A day for a day tells the story, and the night of the night gives the message.
It is not a word, they are not, which sound would not be heard ; their voice spreads over the whole earth and to the ends of the world of their speech "
(Psalm 18, 2-5a).

Or maybe you can do it with the words of the song "Praise God" :
“As we go through the world, let us praise God. In every place, at any time, let us praise God.
There are no unnecessary days in life,
Every moment is important,
See God's thought in each one.
Because God is our Father, because God loves us, He marks the path for us and guides us himself. When a loved one is sick, let us praise God. When everything makes us angry, let us praise God. When sad days come,
Accept difficult good too,
Which God has destined for you "
(Sl. i banana. : FROM. Clarity).

â–  Think :

1. What is the importance of the world for knowing God ?

2. What the wonderful and mysterious world says about God ?

3. What secrets of the world and man do you know ?

4. What the Scriptures Say. about knowing God ?

â–  Remember:

13. “One recognizes creatures by their size and beauty… their Creator " (Mdr 13, 5).

â–  Task :

Why could one of the writers tell about a man, that he is "an unknown being" ?

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