Twelfth Article of Faith

247. Jak opiewa dwunasty artykuł wiary?

The twelfth article of faith is singing: »Eternal life”

248. Czego uczy dwunasty artykuł wiary?

The twelfth article of faith teaches, that after mortality there is eternal life, in which the righteous are quite happy.

249. Na czem zależy ta szczęśliwość zupełna sprawiedliwych?

The complete happiness of the righteous depends on this, that the righteous forever see God face to face, love him and enjoy in him all joy and delight,

250. Czy bezbożni będą także żyli wiecznie?

The wicked will also live forever, but their lives will be the most unhappy, because they will be punished forever in hell for their sins.

251. Jakim wyrazem kończymy Skład Apostolski? We end the apostolic constitution with the Hebrew word "Amen".

252. Co znaczy wyraz „Amen“?

The word "Amen" means: this is, how many times is there emphasis on something; or: let it be so, how many times we want to make a wish, for something to happen.

253. Dlaczego Skład Apostolski kończymy wyrazem „Amen“?

That is why we end the Apostles' Creed with the words "Amen", . which means: "this is", to tell, that we believe strongly in everything, what is in it.

Reminder. Do not look for happiness in the joys of the world, because »we do not have an ongoing city here, but we are looking for the future *. (To the Jew. 13, 14). You are happy, if you have humble faith here; there it will turn into a blessed vision.

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