Second article of faith

108. Jak opiewa drugi artykuł wiary?

The second article of faith is singing: »And in Jesus Christ, His only son, Our Lord.

109. Czego uczy drugi artykuł wiary?

The second article of faith teaches, that Jesus Christ is:

1. jednorodzonym Synem Boga Ojca;

2. Bogiem i człowiekiem zarazem;

3. Panem naszym.

110. Co znaczy imię „Jezus?”

The name "Jesus" means the same thing, what a savior, or the Redeemer.

(Feast of the Name of Jesus).

111. Dlaczego Chrystus Pan nazywa się Zbawicielem, or the redeemer?

That is why Christ the Lord is called the Savior, or the redeemer, because he saved us, that is, he has redeemed from sin and eternal damnation, and he has obtained grace and eternal happiness.

112. Co znaczy imię „Chrystus”?

The name "Christ" means the same, what Messias, that is, the Anointed One.

113. Dlaczego Pan Jezus nazywa się Pomazańcem? That is why the Lord Jesus is called the Anointed One, for in the old law, the highest dignity and power were conferred by the anointing with oil. The Lord Jesus combined all dignity and authority in himself, being the supreme teacher, priest and king.

114. Dlaczego Pan Jezus nazywa się jednorodzonym Synem Boga?

That is why the Lord Jesus is called the only-begotten Son of God, because he is the only and true Son of God.

115. Dlaczego mówimy, that Jesus Christ is both God and man?

That's why we say, that Jesus Christ is both God and man, because he has been God for ages, and in time he took on a human nature as well, that is, soul and body; and so he became a man.

116. Ile natur jest w Jezusie Chrystusie?

Two natures are in Jesus Christ, divine and human.

117. Ile osób jest w Jezusie Chrystusie?

There is only one Person in Jesus Christ, namely divine, in which two natures are united with each other, divine and human.

118. Dlaczego Syn Boży stał się człowiekiem?

God's Son became man, that he might redeem us through his death on the cross and save us forever.

119. Dlaczego wyznajemy Jezusa Chrystusa Panem naszym ?

That is why we confess Jesus Christ our Lord, for as God is Lord of heaven and earth; and as the Redeemer he bought us for himself with his bitter passion and death.

120. Z czego dowiadujemy się, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the true God?

That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the true God, We find out:

1. ze świadectwa Ojca Niebieskiego;

2. z jego własnego o sobie świadectwa;

3. z nauki apostołów;

4. z Podania Kościoła katolickiego.

121. Skąd wiemy źe Jezus Chrystus Jest przyobiecanym Zbawicielem ?

We know from here that Jesus Christ is the promised Savior, because it came true in his person, what the prophets foretold about the Savior, and this, what the figures did about Him.

122. Co prorocy przepowiedzieli o Zbawicielu?

The prophets foretold the Savior:

1. czas Jego przyjścia i miejsce Jego narodzenia;

2. Jego cuda, suffering and death;

3. Jego Zmartwychwstanie i Wniebowstąpienie;

4. założenie i wieczną trwałość Jego Kościoła.

123. Które są najważniejsze figury Zbawiciela?

The most important figures of the Savior are: Abel, Melchizedech i Izaak, Joseph of Egypt and Jonah; The Easter lamb and the copper serpent.

Reminder. Worship the Lord Jesus at every opportunity with words: »Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus*! or answer piously: "Forever and ever. Amen«. Consider Him your Lord and Savior, and himself as his own; »For there is no other name under heaven given to men, in which we should be saved *. (Dz. Ap. 4, 12).

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