About people

About people.

89. Które stworzenia boskie są po aniołach najprzedniejsze ?

After angels, people are the most superior of God's creatures.

90. Z czego składa się człowiek?

Man consists of a body and an immortal soul, which is a natural image of God

91. Dlaczego dusza ludzka jest naturalnym obrazem Pana Boga?

Therefore, the human soul is a natural image of God, because he is immortal spirit he has reason and free will.

92. Naco Pan Bóg stworzył ludzi?

That's what Mr. Horn made humans for, aby go znali, they worshiped, they loved and served Him; and thus they attained eternal happiness.

93. Czy mogą ludzie naturalnemi tylko siłami uszczęśliwić się na wieki?

People cannot, by natural force alone, make themselves happy forever, because happiness, for which they are intended, it is supernatural and can only be attained by a supernatural means, which is faith and grace.

94. Jak nazywali się pierwsi ludzie?

The first people were called Adam and Eve; they are the first parents of the entire human race.

95. Jakimi byli pierwsi ludzie, when their Lord God created them? The first people were good and happy, when their Lord God created them, because:

1. mieli łaskę poświęcającą, they were saints and just, and thus they were a supernatural image of God;

2. byli dziećmi bożemi i mieli prawo do szczęśliwości nadnaturalnej w niebie;

3. otrzymali wielką wiedzę i wolę skłonną do dobrego;

4. żyli w raju, they did not suffer any suffering, and as to the flesh they were immortal.

96. Czy tylko dla siebie otrzymali pierwsi ludzie te dary od Pana Boga?

The first people received these gifts from God not only for themselves, but also for all their descendants.

97. Czy pierwsi ludzie pozostali dobrymi i szczęśliwymi?

The first people did not remain good and happy, because they sinned badly and thus became unhappy in body and soul.

98. W jaki sposób zgrzeszyli ciężko pierwsi ludzie? Thus the first people sinned hard, that at the urging of the devil they ate the fruit of the tree, which God forbade them to eat.

99. W jaki sposób stali się pierwsi ludzie przez ten grzech nieszczęśliwymi na duszy i na ciele?

The first people were made unhappy in body and soul through this sin as follows:

1. utracili łaskę poświęcającą i przestali być nadnaturalnym obrazem Boga;

2. przestali być dziećmi Boga, they have lost their right to supernatural happiness in heaven, and they were guilty of everlasting damnation;

3. rozum ich został przyćmiony, and the will became more prone to evil, than good;

4. zostali wydaleni z raju i skazani na wiele cierpień i na śmierć.

100. Czy grzech Adama i Ewy tylko im samym zaszkodził?

Adam and Eve's sin did not only harm them, but it passed on with its bad effects also on all people).

101. Jak nazywamy ten grzech, which also passed from Adam and Eve to all mankind?

We call this sin original or hereditary sin, which also passed from Adam and Eve to all mankind.

102. Czy był przecież kto wolnym od grzechu pierworodnego?

Only the Blessed Virgin Mary was free from original sin through a special grace, for the merits of Jesus Christ. (The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 8. of December).

103. Dlaczego najświętsza Panna Maryja wolną była od grzechu pierworodnego?

That is why the Blessed Virgin Mary was free from original sin, because she was chosen as the Mother of God.

104. Co Pan Bóg uczynił, that people after sin would be able to regain eternal happiness?

That people after sin would be able to gain everlasting happiness again, God had mercy on them and promised Adam and Eve a Savior.

106. Dlaczego Pan Bóg nie zaraz zesłał Zbawiciela?

God didn't send a Savior right away, because he wanted to:

1. aby ludzie poznali tę nędzę, into which they fell through sin;

2. aby zatęsknili za Zbawicielem i ochotnem sercem Go przyjęli.

107. Kto jest przyobiecanym Zbawicielem?

Jesus Christ is the promised Savior.

Reminder. Thank God, that he made you in his image, and hate sin, who brought all calamities into this world. Thank God for that, that he didn't throw you into Hell, like delicious angels, but he sent you a savior.

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