Religious formation

Initial religious formation is very important, because it definitely influences the future themes of the sect, for example, Buddhism for Iso-Zen and Soka Gakkai; Hinduism for Rryishna's Light, Brahma Kumaris12 i Bhagwana; Protestantism for David Koresh's sects of evangelists and millennialists, Jim Jones and Charles Taze Russell (Jehovah's witnesses). Even if you found them, they try to introduce a new theme to the assumptions of the sect, to be different from formation, which they are a continuation of, they know it well, how to place well-known elements in the thicket of his twisted theories. This influences the emergence of new pseudo-religious and philosophical syntheses, which are more like mystical-esoteric-occult chaff than true syncretism.

Gurus often refer to connections, which are difficult to check, because they relate to non-permanent domains. This usually applies to characters,
they are talking about – sometimes mythical, sometimes real, but most often the dead, forgotten or inaccessible. Thus, the threat of his master's condemnation of the guru is low. Gradually, as the organization grows, the guru becomes surrounded by a real aura of wisdom or holiness, which is his best advertisement.

François Cornuault describes the atmosphere surrounding Michael Ivanov in Sects' Hell (The White Universal Brotherhood):

W 1938 r. the most esoterically enlightened persons of the era, Leadbeater [co-founder of the Theosophical Society], Rudolf Steiner (founder of anthroposophy] and many famous seers testified in his favor. In it they recognized "this, who was supposed to come ", Saint Michael the Archangel in person. In no time the White Universal Brotherhood became a fashionable sect in Paris. All imitated the master as the new Christ and nourished themselves with his legendary radiation. Rumors circulated, that he is the nineteenth "Grand World Champion", "Aquarius Alchemist"…

Jean-Paul Appel, the founder of Iso-Zen even took a divine relationship to himself. Auto, how it is described in the publication, which is to proclaim his praise:

His parents copulation, giving rise to his visible form, it was accomplished by being immersed in the energies that control the favorable chromosomal junctions.
He was a prodigy, and his childhood was programmed by cosmic powers: the programmed vehicle occupied the terrestrial plane 3, by overseeing the course of accelerated development.
At the age of twelve, he first merged with the cosmic powers. This contact has been described as radiation streaming down from the sky and passing through his brain. The effects of this contact only became apparent six years later, as announced by the cosmic powers: Establishment successful – Postponement for six years – Earth time.
Meanwhile, this cosmically programmed being will be initiated by a spiritual master on the path of wisdom until he reaches the age of eighteen and is ready to lead an intense mystical life..

It is difficult to demonstrate any contradictions to the authors of such a vague text. We'll see a little further, that this way of speaking is to help avoid the possible negation of the master's words as much, how – according to the interlocutor – words and sentences acquire different meanings, because it's not about literal language, but a symbolic speech.

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