From madness to strategy

One can learn the violin from a fictional biography of a guru. We are dealing with fantasizing? A complete fabrication? Madness? From these nuances one can read the strategies of the organization of the sect, her profile, as well as choose a method of fighting against it.

Let us first examine the sects built like family. Take, for example, the case of the Melchior brothers (Trois-Saints-Cosurs – Three-Holy-Hearts). Robert, eldest brother, missionary in Bolivia, he supported the Pianto Association morally and religiously (Societe Pianto), which sold "the product of youth". Robert's arrival in the community allowed for the expansion of the group's activities to trade in souvenirs and religious items. Younger brother, Andrzej, chemical engineer, he used his professional skills to prepare the Pianto potion, sold in all dietary stores. This elixir was then used to induce the illusion of crying in plaster hearts or creating miraculous stigmas. (in its composition was phenolphthalein), then sacrificed by an older brother and sold by the sect. Victor, third brother, working man, was charged with minor duties. And the youngest – Roger – he had a talent for doing business, he was a doctor of law, he graduated from a Catholic university in Brussels. Before he devoted himself entirely to the divine mission, to which – as he believed – was called, was successful in diplomacy. The combination of all these skills has proved extremely useful in criminal activities: abuse of social goods, scams, kidnapping of minors, imprison them, violence and the like, made before the arrest of the perpetrators.

In the biography of the guru, the act of his birth and childhood are often mythologized. Some are born gurus, others, on the other hand, are only just becoming so. Thus, the guru's lineage may be biological or spiritual.

The father of the guru Maharaja-Ji, creator of the Mission of Divine Light, w 1965 year, he gave way to his son, only eight and a half years old. Abhay Charan Dee, master of Krishna Consciousness, he received "initiation and handover of power in Krishna Consciousness" from his spiritual father, Sri Srimad Bak-Iisidanta Sarawashi Gowshawari. Other gurus castles have the right to continue someone they share, citing initiatory or cultural kinship, like Sri Chimnoy continuing the work of Sri Aurobindo. Moon, belonging to the South Korean sect "Orders of Israel", takes over the missionary work from Kim Mon Paib.

Sometimes kinship is limited to spiritual kinship, strong in Ivanovo, founder of the White Universal Brotherhood, who claims the legacy of Peter Deunov and Rudolf Steiner. Finally, others only refer to the banal reality of their lives, jak Georges Roux, Christ of MontfavetGS.

This is most often the case, that the messiah or guru announces his extraordinaryness in adulthood.

Ron Hubbard to the age of thirty, before he created the organization, which was to turn into the Scientology Church, he was just the author of science fiction novels. Only in his thirties did he express a desire to create a religion. “If you really want to make a million dollars and not get used up for five cents, it is best to found a Church " – he announced one day to the assembled journalists.

Certainly the same belief was held by Claude Vorilhon69, who unsuccessfully and without any success tried his strength as a journalist and singer, then unexpectedly announced himself Rael. W 1973 year he is said to have met God in the form of an extraterrestrial. Yahweh revealed to him his true origin:

We chose a woman, as we once did for Jesus. We lifted this woman aboard our rocket and she became pregnant, just as we did with the mother of Jesus. We made every effort, for the man to meet this woman. Your father is also the true father of Jesus, who is then your brother, and this father is right in front of you.

The downside to this story is this, that it is not an overly tempting bait for adepts, because it leaves them with no hope of achieving fulfillment similar to that achieved by the master.


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