New sects

Religion has always offered utopia as an alternative to everyday problems, while politics was considered to be more closely related to reality (to tell the truth, For several years now, utopia has been reviving in politics, and great ideologies are declining). In years 1960-1970 a weakening of the "classical" religious trend was observed, and traditional churches have given way to spontaneous communities organized around a guru or fashionable idea.

The sects were situated on the fringes of existing religious and social structures. They propose a program, systematic critique of these structures and unverifiable philosophical or religious concepts. They actually build a social structure, functioning in a truly psychotic manner. They create specific barriers, to protect them from alien invasion, transforming reality in its own way and indirectly developing an individual ideological model related to behavior.

Many topics can be distinguished, which the sects deal with. It is not about presenting an exhaustive catalog of them, however, it is of great importance to discover the origins of the sects, because it can influence the adept's conditioning and explain possible pathologies.

The first source of origin of sects is the traditional churches, in which there have been splits throughout history, betzji, the formation of various currents. This led to the creation of parallel churches. For the most part, these organizations were considered sects only because of that, that they did not have such importance and influence as the Church, from which they broke away. It happens, that the paranoid behavior of a leader contributes to the formation of a sect. However, we are then dealing with individual pathologies (e.g.. Abbot of Nantes).

The second source is the oriental religious movement. All interpretations can be found here, more or less faithful to religious traditions, such as Hinduism or Islam, but tinged with their historical variations, such as Buddhism, zen, universal faith bahai, Sufism and the like. The problem here is random, a more or less inspired interpretation of texts and sacred principles, done by the guru.

The third source of sectarian movements is gnosis, ezoteryzm i okultyzm. Religion refers to revealed truth. Gnosis claims, that individual salvation is accomplished through gradual acquaintance with the deity through the masters, who received original revelation through initiation.

This doctrine contributes to the growth and success of new sects. Undertaking continuous work and effort, which implies a gnostic initiation, is to answer the questions bothering students. Only the zealous will know the truth. Doubting is tantamount to failure, but only this one will know the solution, who will stay in the sect, because there will always need to be further levels of initiation before final enlightenment.

also, some sects – not necessarily the smallest – are born and develop, based on fraud. There is no philosophical or religious justification for this phenomenon. It is about individual manifestations of mental pathology of the paranoid type, which infects the students and leads to collective madness, as evidenced by numerous examples over the years (Raelians or disciples of the Great Cosmoplanetary Messiah of the Golden Lotus1'3).

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