Health hazard

The human body has always been one of the favorite topics in sects. All religious and mystical treatises devote part of their considerations to health. Words: mens sana in corpore sano are well known today. However, perverse theses are also gaining popularity, which reject all logic. The internal cleansing of the body is presented in them as a basic condition for achieving the divine dimension and an element of the fight against environmental pollution and "bad health".

I am far from denying holistic concepts of health. I also support the fight against nutritional errors. But how not to point out harmful health content from new magazines? There is a lot of magic or articles and advertisements praising various cameras, diets or techniques. From an air cleaner thanks to ionization (sic/), by devices that use magnetic waves, to "non-magnetic" mattresses. There are many products in this list, which can tempt the naive. The risk would be low, if it were just to get money from a gullible victim. However, we are dealing with a real manipulation using the subculture. The mentioned products and devices are considered reliable, because they harmonize with the fashion for alternative treatment (chromium therapy, precious stones, crystals etc.). The magical nature of the offer removes any critical thinking ability of the user, fascinated by the natural. non-polluting, non-industrial nature of the product intended to arouse his desire. Everything is advertised in pseudoscientific language, which allows the layman to distinguish truth from lies.

The concept of "besieged." – besieging "is of fundamental importance in the dissemination of pseudo-solutions offering a universal remedy for the deterioration of health in the modern world. It is a method of addiction very close to fascist ideologies. According to this concept, crisis and danger always come from others. The first recommendations are protection against the aggressor – it can be done, creating a strong group. Then you have to reduce the pressure from outside, and then lead to the destruction of the aggressor group responsible for all evil.

The consequence of such reasoning – besieged citadel complex – there is a fascination with the possibility of becoming a superman. This fascination arises from eating rituals, various techniques, ways of dressing or breathing exercises. It is the cult of a pure and new man. This attitude does not rule out magic either, when the body is conceived as a cosmic being, whose personal vibrations are derived from the primordial cosmic vibration. “Pain and disease are information from conflict, for lack of harmony […]. The body is an energy field inside other fields ".

These risky hypotheses are related to the term "holistic". It comes from the Greek word holos, meaning the whole. If we add to this connotations related to New Age ideas (holy – holy), it is health that becomes an expression of the sacred.

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