Idyllic ecology

The idea of ​​rejecting technology gave rise to a poetic vision of "idyllic ecology".
According to the defenders of this doctrine, "the perfection of nature brings happiness, truth, pleasure and satisfaction, while civilization only breeds misfortunes, suffering and worries ". Technology is evil in itself. It cuts the human animal off from its natural roots and prevents it from living in symbiosis with mother nature. In an idyllic ecologist, a phobia of industrialization and technology is born. This is a typical avoidance response, born of the difficulty of confronting one's own desires with a social proposal, considered aggressive.

This trend does not apply to the political or economic sphere, rather, it should be viewed from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Apart from the fear of society, respect for people appears there as the desire to dissolve in the womb of mother nature. Water, sea, ocean – blue planet – are considered sources of protective power, and returning to the sources means going back to the original state. In this exaggerated interest in the natural environment, we are dealing with an analytical projection. The earth is endowed with the characteristics of a woman's womb: protects her children, gives away favors, she is noble in her gifts. She is perceived as a woman being attacked by a male being – militant and destructive. Technology, on the other hand, is presented as an instrument (falliczny) facilitating man's crimes against mother nature.

Not paying attention to the political context and limiting oneself to excessive care for the natural environment leads to incomplete and illogical assessments of the state of nature. They can often be considered sectarian or even fanatically distorted. For example, the prospect of a planetary catastrophe, developed in a syncretic way, it can lead to erroneous proposals for solving real ecological problems. Such proposals appear not only in sectarian circles, sometimes they are based on theological reasoning, which gives rise to new assumptions of the ideological vision of ecology. This phenomenon may also occur in a group driven by narrow sectarian thinking, but not a sect.

Rejection of global interest limits ecology to one chosen topic, on which the adepts of the sect focus. A breakdown is made into these, who are convinced of the correctness of this thesis, and on the rest. Among some environmentalists (against the nuclear industry, hunting animals, advocating organic farming, protection of dolphins etc.) we observe the development of a paranoid feeling, that they are being persecuted. Misunderstanding or contempt by society towards the socio-economic reality of a given problem has the direct consequence of rejecting that society.. Like this one, who opposes, it becomes this, who is misunderstood. The group closes, paranoid, and then deleting it into the margin.

Groups with similar beliefs try to exert social and media pressure, taking an unknown or a lost civilization as a point of reference, which allows you to put up posters and spread any nonsense without the possibility of checking them.

An extreme example of this phenomenon can be the Ecoovie sect, which made its doctrine, using the ideas of ecology, preaching exaggerated concern
for the natural environment and the cult of the Indian nation. A group of adepts with master Pierre Boris Maltais alias Piel Petjo Maltest, alias Norman William, aka Maolinem Tiamem wandered in the Great March of Ecologists around the Earth. Ultimately, the students were hospitalized due to wasting and malnutrition, or to psychiatric wards due to hallucinatory disorders.. After fifteen years of wandering, the last students of the sect set up their tents in Finland, where they live in extreme poverty. The main part of the sect dissolved during the summer 1994 year. There are only a few students left, who, grouped around the "master", settled in Canada. It is an example of the same "clean and tough" fundamentalist ecology, which led to the formation of the SÅ‚o sect around guru Marius Rodriguez Cobos.

Self-liberation movement Force, known for his actions to protect the Amazonian forests and for his position, to live a natural life, away from all sources of harmfulness and pollution, is an excellent example of a sect organized around a rigorous doctrine related to the protection of the natural environment and practicing complete indoctrination in the name of great humanistic and ecological ideals.

Recently, there has been a lot of publicity about a similar attitude of "primordial naturalism" and "fundamenlali.stastic interpretation of the Bible" in the Tabitha's Place sect. The members of the sect were accused of inadequate custody of a small child, who died of a pacemaker. They did not allow any action to be taken, that could have prevented this tragedy, because they were careful, that no one has the right to go against God's will, and a child's life or death depends solely on that will. Moreover, modern therapies are, In their opinion, a product of a corrupt civilization, far from biblical principles.

Also in the Order of the Temple of the Sun, the influence of the fundamentalist approach to environmental protection is visible. There are lectures and practices related to biodynamic agriculture and food energization, there are apocalyptic speeches about the contamination of our mother Gaia and the like. According to Luc Jouret, only the practices of integrist ecology could save man and the planet.

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