Fourth article of faith

144. Jak opiewa czwarty artykuł wiary?

The fourth article of faith is singing: »Umęczon pod Ponckim Piłatem, crucified, he died and was buried «.

145. Czy Jezus Chrystus cierpiał jako Bóg, or as a human?

Jesus Christ suffered only as a human being, because as God he could not suffer.

146. Co cierpiał Jezus Chrystus?

Jesus Christ suffered immeasurably great torments in body and soul.

147. Co cierpiał Jezus Chrystus na duszy?

I am afraid and sad, contempt, mockery and insults, and many other offenses Jesus Christ suffered in his soul.

148. Co cierpiał Jezus Chrystus na ciele?

Jesus Christ suffered many wickedness in the flesh, beatings and wounds; ubiczowano Go, crowned with thorns and nailed to the cross.

149. Kto skazał Jezusa Chrystusa na śmierć krzyżową?

Pilate Poncki, Roman starosta in the Jewish land, for fear of the Jews he condemned the Lord Jesus to death on the cross.

150. Kto oskarżył Jezusa Chrystusa przed Piłatem?

Jewish high priests and scribes accused Jesus Christ before Pilate out of hatred and jealousy, lying, that the Lord Jesus blasphemed God and wanted to be the king of the Jews.

151. Gdzie był Jezus Chrystus ukrzyżowany i umarł?

Jesus Christ was crucified on Mount Kalwaria, near the city of Jerusalem and died on the cross, that is, His soul became separated from the body).

(Good Friday).

152. Czy przy śmierci Jezusa Chrystusa odłączyło się także Bóstwo od Jego człowieczeństwa?

At the death of Jesus Christ, the Deity did not separate from His humanity, because it was united with the body and the soul.

153. Które cuda działy się przy śmierci Chrystusa?

The following miracles were performed at the death of Jesus Christ: the sun was dim, the veil in the temple was torn, the earth was shaking, the rocks were breaking, groby otwierały się i wielu umarłych powstało.

154. Kto pogrzebał ciało Jezusa Chrystusa?

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus buried the body of Jesus Christ; having laid them in a new tomb, carved in the rock, in which no one has been lying before.

155. Dlaczego Pan Jezus chciał cierpieć i umrzeć?

The Lord Jesus wanted to suffer and die:

1. aby sprawiedliwości boskiej dać za nas zupełne zadośćuczynienie;

2. aby nas wybawić od grzechu, from Chart's captivity and from eternal damnation;

3. aby nam wysłużyć obfitą łaskę i wieczną szczęśliwość.

156. Dlaczego Pan Jezus mógł dać za nas zupełne zadośćuczynienie?

The Lord Jesus could make full satisfaction for us, because he is not only human, but also with Rog; for his sufferings and death are of infinite value.

157. Czy wskutek zasług Jezusa Chrystusa wszyscy ludzie mogą być zbawieni?

By the merits of Jesus Christ, all people can be saved, so long as they do it, which gives you a share of these merits.

(Holy Week, P&n Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus' death, the laying of the Lord Jesus in the tomb, honor to Our Lady of Sorrows, Way of the Cross, Finding and Exaltation of the Holy Cross).

Reminder. »Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!* (Jan 1, 29). »God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, to any, who believes in it, he did not die, but he had eternal life «. (Jan 3, 16) - Look at the crucified Jesus; »Everything tells you about love: he bowed his head, to kiss you, his arms stretched out, to hug you, he opened his heart, to hide you in them. (St.. Augustine).


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