Fifth Article of Faith

158. Jak opiewa piąty artykuł wiary?

The fifth article of faith is singing: »He descended into Hell, on the third day he rose again

159. Co znaczą te słowa „zstąpił do piekieł”?

These words »descended into hell mean, that the soul of the Lord Jesus descended after His death into the abyss.

160. Co rozumiemy przez otchłań?

By abyss we mean a place; where are the souls of the righteous, before Christ, the Lord of the dead. they waited calmly and without suffering for the Savior.

161. Dlaczego Pan Jezus zstąpił do otchłani?

That is why the Lord Jesus descended into the abyss, to bring salvation to the souls of the righteous.

162. Co znaczy to słowo „zmartwychwstał?

This word »means risen, that Jesus Christ, with his own power, reunited his soul with his body and rose immortally and gloriously from the closed tomb.


168. Who do we hear from, that the Lord Jesus is truly risen?

That the Lord Jesus is truly risen, we learn from the apostles, who often saw the Lord Jesus after His resurrection, they touched Him, they talked and ate with him, and for the truth of the Lord's resurrection they gave their lives.

164. 0 czem nas przekonuje zmartwychwstanie Pana Jezusa?

The resurrection of the Lord Jesus convinces us

o tem:

1. że się spełniły przepowiednie proroków i Jego własne proroctwa;

2. że Jezus Chrystus jest Bogiem prawdziwym i że nauka Jego jest prawdziwą;

3. że i my kiedyś zmartwychwstaniemy.

Reminder. »How Christ rose from the dead, so we should wear a new life «. (Rome 6, 4). »Wierna mowa: For if we died together, we will also reign together «. (II. This. 2, U, 12).

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