About the destiny of the Church

215. Naco Jezus Chrystus ustanowił Kościół?

'For this, Jesus Christ instituted the Church, to lead people to eternal happiness.

216. Jak prowadzi Kościół ludzi do wiecznej szczęśliwości?

In this way, he leads the Church of mankind to eternal happiness, that he is fulfilling with the help of God the threefold office of Jesus Christ, namely: teaching, priestly and royal.

217. W jaki sposób spełnia Kościół urząd nauczycielski Jezusa Chrystusa?

In this way the Church fulfills the teaching office of Jesus Christ, that he preserves the teaching of God wholly and impeccably at all times, proclaims and explains.

218. Jakiego daru udzielił Jezus Chrystus Kościołowi do spełniania urzędu nauczycielskiego?

In order to exercise his teaching office, Jesus Christ gave the Church the gift of infallibility, by virtue of which the Church cannot make mistakes in the doctrine of faith and morals.

219. Z czego dowiadujemy się, that Jesus Christ gave the Church the gift of infallibility?

We learn from the words that Jesus Christ gave the Church the gift of infallibility, with whom he promised the Church constant help, both his and the Holy Spirit.

220. Któremi słowy przyobiecał Jezus Chrystus Kościołowi nieustanną pomoc boską?

In the following words, Jesus Christ has promised the Church God's continual help: »Behold, I am with you all the days, until the end of the world *. (Mat. 28, 20). »And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may live with you forever, The spirit of truth *. (Jan 14, 16, 17).

221. Kto posiada dar nieomylności?

He has the gift of infallibility:

1. papież i biskupi, którzy z nim w jedności żyją 2. także sam papież, when as the supreme teacher and shepherd, he issues judgments for the entire Church in the doctrine of faith and morals.

222. How do we know, that the Pope himself has the gift of infallibility?

That the Pope himself has the gift of infallibility, we know from the words of the Lord Jesus, uttered to Peter and to his successors: »And I tell you, that you are a rock, on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it ". (Mat. 16, 18). - »I asked for you, that your faith may not fail, and you, having returned from time to time, confirm your brother *. (Arc. 22, 32). — »Paś baranki moje… paś owce moje«. (Jan 21, 15, 17).

223. W jaki sposób spełnia Kościół urząd kapłański Jezusa Chrystusa?

W ten sposób spełnia Kościół urząd kapłański Jezusa Chrystusa, that he offers the sacrifice of the Holy Mass and administers the Holy Sacraments, sacrifices, blesses and prays for all people.

224. W jaki sposób spełnia Kościół urząd królewski Jezusa Chrystusa?

W ten sposób spełnia Kościół urząd królewski

Jesus Christ, that he encourages all believers to live a godly life, makes laws and commandments, judges and punishes.

225. Które są najważniejsze kary kościelne?

The most important ecclesiastical punishments are:

1. the recitation of the holy sacraments;

2. wykluczenie ze społeczności kościelnej, that is, the curse, through which the affected person is deprived of all graces and blessings of the Church;

3. odmówienie pogrzebu chrześcijańskiego.

226. Jaki obowiązek mają ludzie względem Kościoła? People have this responsibility towards the Church, that they should belong to him, believe in this, what it teaches and fulfill it, what dictates.

227. Czy może być zbawionym, who does not belong to the Catholic Church?

Who does not belong to the Catholic Church through his own fault, cannot be saved, because, according to the decree of Jesus Christ, it is only possible to be saved in the Catholic Church.

228. Jakim jest Kościół katolicki dlatego, that only there can be salvation?

The only saving Church is the Catholic Church therefore, that only there can be salvation.

229. Czy może być zbawionym, who, through no fault of his own, lives outside the Catholic Church?

Whoever lives outside the Catholic Church through no fault of his own, he can indeed be saved in an extraordinary way, if he sincerely seeks the truth and the will of God, as long as he knows her, conscientiously fulfills; however, he lacks much resources, with the help of which he could save himself more easily and confidently.

230. Czy wystarcza tylko zewnętrznie należeć do Kościoła katolickiego?

It is not enough to belong externally to the Catholic Church, but it is necessary to connect with him and connect internally through living faith, sincere obedience and sincere love.

Reminder. Honor and love the Church, your mother; because “no one can have God as Father. who does not have the Church as a mother ". (St.. Cypryan). Share joy and sorrow together with him; conscientiously obey his commandments and regulations; honor the Holy Father
i biskupów katolickich, and both in private and public life, be governed only by the principles of the Church, because only then will you be a true Catholic.

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