About the birthmarks, that is, the characteristics of the Church

206. Is there more, than one true Church?

There is only one true Church, because only one church was established by Jesus Christ.

207. How do we get to know the true Church of Christ?

We recognize the true Church of Christ by the main signs, which the Lord Jesus gave him.

208. Which main signs did the Lord Jesus give to his Church?

The Lord Jesus caused, that His Church is:

1. every;

2. holy;

3. Catholic, that is, common;

4. apostolic.

209. Which church has these four hallmarks of the Church of Christ?

Only the Roman Church, Catholic has these four hallmarks of the Church of Christ.

210. How do we recognize, that the Roman Church, Catholic, there is one?

That the Roman Church, Catholic, there is one, we know by it:

1. that he has one head in common;

2. that its members profess the same faith and receive the same sacraments.

211. How do we recognize, that the Roman Church, Catholic, is holy?

That the Roman Church, Catholic, is holy, we know by it:

1. that his teaching is sacred;

2. that he leads his members to holiness by the most effective means, which are especially holy sacraments;

3. that there are always saints in it, even miracles declare sanctity.

212. How do we recognize, that the Roman Church, Catholic, is common?

That the Roman Church, Catholic, is common, we know by it:

1. that beginning with Jesus Christ it continues without interruption to all times;

2. that all people should belong to him;

3. that it has spread across all parts of the earth, and it spreads more and more.

213. How do we recognize, that the Roman Church, Catholic, he is apostolic?

That the Roman Church, Catholic, he is apostolic, we know by it:

1. that his superiors, that is, the pope and bishops, they are the legitimate successors of the apostles;

2. that he teaches the same, what the apostles taught;

3. that he gives the same sacraments, which the apostles gave.

214. What are the proof of these four hallmarks of the Roman Catholic Church ?

These four hallmarks of the Roman Catholic Church are proof, that he alone is the true Church of Christ.

Reminder. Thank God, that you are a child of the true Church, and pray often for the conversion of the errant and unbelievers.

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