Novena for the sick and suffering to Padre Pio

Novena for the sickNovena for the sick and suffering to Padre Pio

Day 1. A feeling of loneliness.

They say that sharing pain with someone you love becomes easier to bear. There must be some truth to this… However, how often I do not find someone in my sufferings, who would like or be able to sympathize with me. Or maybe I can't really convey it to anyone, what I feel?

Saint Padre Pio, people did not understand your torment and could not understand. You knew, that your only confidants can be the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who have suffered more than all mankind, and with whom you were constantly united.

Teach me in my suffering not to count too much on consolation from the people around me, but to come trustingly to Jesus and Mary, who always understand me perfectly, even without words. I am counting on you so much too, who have suffered so much, for your intercession and blessing.

Day 2. Regret for the surroundings.

I can become more and more helpless when I am ill, finding out, that even the simplest steps cost a lot… It annoys healthy people, they accuse the sick of all sorts of things: for laziness, to pretend to be weak to get their attention or to force their sympathy… And yet – they say so or think silently – they don't have that much time, strength, possibilities, as it may seem to me!

Saint Padre Pio, how did you overcome it? You were getting weaker and weaker, you had to hold your arms around, finally to get on a cart. But you showed so much gratitude for even the smallest favor, that for deserving this gratitude, at your kind look and at your smile, there were always many people ready to come to your aid.

Maybe that's a clue for me…? Help me accept even the smallest good with a humble and open heart, offered to me by my neighbors – treasure them very much – and show them gratitude for it. Then the spirit of bitterness and discontent will not have access to me.

Day 3. Focus on your pains.

My every suffering, physical or spiritual, it kind of demands my interest in him, he wants to absorb me into himself, isolate from classes, people, fill you with fear for the future: maybe in a moment the weight of the linen will be unbearable…? Isn't it an evil spirit attacking me, magnifying this one ?

Saint Padre Pio, how you were able to not only not concentrate on your torment, how similar to Christ's, but distract others from it, to cover suffering with a smile, cover your wounds, prevent them from being photographed, efface oneself?

It seems to me, that I already know: your deep humility led you to do so, as well as permanent union with Jesus Crucified and with his passion. Isn't that my way too? Perhaps I should try to consider at least a few stations of the Way of the Cross in my suffering, some mystery of the painful part of the Rosary, read a gospel passage… ?

Day 4. The temptation to blame God.

Wasn't I made for happiness…? And here came the misfortune of suffering so much! Where is God now, who, being my Father, being Love, he cannot be indifferent to my unpleasant and painful experiences .? My trust in Him begins to waver, Satan and humans undermine it, like Job's friends!

Saint Padre Pio, whether you were touched by similar questions, or rather, devilish temptations? However, in all circumstances of life and in all suffering that comes from the body, the world and Satan – you relied so heavily on God, that everything seemed bearable, and the hellish adversary met the wall of your deep peace. Who can imitate your trust in God?

Teach me this, strengthen my conviction, that everything happens under God's loving gaze, who will never allow his weak child to experience too hard. He is the only one who knows the secret of my earthly and eternal life. So I want to repeat the shooting act with force in my suffering, which our Lord ordered to inscribe under the image of His Mercy:


Day 5. Why do I have to suffer so much…?

"And you see, God punished you for your actions! I warned you! This lesson will do you good. " These and similar words, sometimes read only in someone's mind, they hurt, because many suffer without their fault, and again others sin heavily and do not suffer at all!

Saint Padre Pio, you knew well, that God has called you to suffer for others. When a great sinner is about to come to you, you have felt the pain of his sins in your wounds before. How much you united yourself with Christ in this pain, prophesied by Isaiah, that he will bear our sorrows, crushed for our sins…

Possible, that I am due a severe punishment for my sins; however, it may be reduced, and even completely donated, when I offer all my sufferings for the conversion of sinners and for the souls in Purgatory. Help me, Saint Padre Pio, look at it that way, what I have to endure every day.

Day 6. Get away from suffering at all costs…?

Painkillers, engaging in something pleasant to forget the pain, falling asleep… change of body position, gentle massage… maybe something else…?

Saint Padre Pio, how did you do it, that you are not satisfied with this torment, the source of which was wounds like Christ's, but you were finding yourself looking for additional suffering in the form of various mortifications?! Oh so, I understand, you thought more about others than about yourself. Only your great love can explain this!

Teach me to pierce the tortoise shell of my suffering self, to think and heart towards it, who, if they died in this state, they would go to hell. Perhaps even one moment of my voluntary suffering will suffice, to save them from the terrible eternal torment? And so – I offer it to God! Then another one, maybe even all day, week, month… Let Christ's “thirst…"I want souls!

Day 7. The temptation to waste time associated with the disease.

Visiting the sick in the hospital may be surprising, how they handle trivial matters, how they can play cards all day, tell unrefined jokes or stare blankly at the ceiling, and directing their thoughts to things that are beautiful and noble encounters resistance on their part. However, we are all subject to this temptation. A weakening of the body often weakens the soul, for spiritual laziness – escape from mental effort.

Saint Padre Pio, you didn't have time for yourself, except at night, at the expense of sleep and rest. Anyway, this time was not "for himself" – he was offered to God and people through prayer, reading letters, wandering around the world in spirit, who needed you. You burned up to the end – like a candle, lit for us by a good God…

Teach me to open up to God and people so much, to treasure every minute on earth, for I will find her in eternity. When you love your neighbor, even a severe illness cannot be an obstacle in dealing with them and their fate: hands embrace the rosary, eyes turn to useful reading, and if they are weak, most often you can find someone who reads aloud, and he will take advantage of it himself. A sick person can radiate kindness to his surroundings, evangelize, console and strengthen others, earn merit for heaven.

Day 8. A suffering person's grief may be a sign of an illness of his soul.

The Lord Jesus spoke about people, who look glum, to show everyone that they are fasting when they should be even more cheerful then, that their sacrifice to the Heavenly Father would be nice. However, keeping this serenity is not easy, because one would have to be able to accept everything with gratitude, what God gives. We, on the other hand, cry out with our sad face: take it from me, give me something else!

Saint Padre Pio, some asked you, do your wounds really hurt?, when they saw your serene face…! Only thermometers could not withstand your internal stress – pÄ™kaÅ‚y od żaru! How did you do it…? Where did you get so much humor from, which we read in your sayings, stories, in the photos…? You can suppose, that from your deep union with God?

Actually, the more God invites someone to the difficult Golgotha ​​of life, the more it gives him refreshment and strengthening on his Tabor – a mountain of consolations and favors unknown to other people. This is what he did with the three apostles, and so he wishes to deal with me. So go up your heart! The fortification will come when it is most appropriate.

Day 9. Sin is the most serious disease.

We are often worried about the bad condition of our body and put in a lot of effort, to save or strengthen them. We care less about our moral condition, yet the pain of a well-functioning conscience, burdened with sin, it should be very strong and severe! No 'painkillers' will help here to drown out conscience – because they will only make the disease worse. You have to go to the Divine Doctor.

Saint Padre Pio, only God knows, how many people your curiosity attracted to you, fame for the extraordinary gifts of God, hope for healing from the disease. But you were saving sick souls first, serving them all day long in the confessional, and this enabled God to heal diseases of the body, but only there, where it was useful to someone's soul.

Although you are already in heaven, you know the state of my soul and you definitely want to help me, because you love me with love drawn directly from the heart of God.

I heard, that one of the most serious diseases of the soul is the lack of forgiveness for its harmers, regardless of this, are they still alive on earth, have they already died. Maybe it applies to me? Perhaps I still hold old grudges in my heart? You know my heart, so help me to open them fully to God and His grace; wash yourself as perfectly as possible in the Blood of the Lamb of God in the Sacrament of Penance; receive the Divine Physician with great love in the Blessed Sacrament. I want to be healed so badly!


Saint Padre Pio, you belonged to the people, who have suffered the most on earth, so you understand the suffering…

Now you know, how with the great splendor of eternal glory shines in heaven even the smallest of earthly sufferings, lifted (or maybe something more: offered to God) from love.

Thank you, that you have accompanied me for nine days in my meditations and prayers; that you obtained so many favors for me, for which I am very grateful to you; that I understand the words of Jesus a little better now: Who does not take up his cross, and he follows me, he is not worthy of me ". When we meet in heaven, I will thank you even more.

Be with me on this path, which still remains for me. Teach me to keep my eyes open to the needs of others. Possible, that the salvation of many of them was made dependent on my spiritual sacrifices by God, from my daily cross.

Help me reach the pinnacle of holiness here on earth and make good use of all life's trials, so that I no longer have to undergo the torment of Purgatory after death.

May God be glorified in everything, what you do and still do for me and for the Church. Amen.

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