Novena for help and favors to Padre Pio

Novena for helpNovena for help and favors to Padre Pio

Day 1 – Saint Padre Pio, you have taught with conviction, that divine providence, "Mixing joy with tears in the lives of people and entire nations, leads to the ultimate goal; that the hand of God is always hidden behind the visible hand of man "; put in a word for me, I would be in my difficult case…, which I present to God, He accepted His will with faith.

our father…, Hail Mary…, Glory be to the Father… (daily).

Day 2 – Saint Padre Pio, you encouraged the lowly ones to give up their fear and consider themselves the happiest, when they “become worthy of it, to participate in the pains of God-Man ", to "believe, that it's not abandonment, but the great love of God "; emboldened by the example of your trust in God, I am asking for intercession in my intention…, which I am presenting to you.

Day 3 – Saint Padre Pio, you deserve to be called a Cyrenean by carrying your cross daily; you believed, that "the Lord in His mercy will give His hand and give strength". Pray for me in my difficulties… and ask Jesus for the grace of persevering in goodness.

Day 4 – Saint Padre Pio, experienced by God's will with great suffering, you accepted them as "the fate of chosen souls" and "a gift leading to salvation"; put in a word to God for me, that I may accept my pain with Christian dignity, and ask for a grace for me…

Day 5 – Saint Padre Pio, through your extraordinary union with the Lord you have poured hope into the hearts of those who doubt, that "the God of Christians is a God of change", that from suffering comes peace, and in despair of rejection "hope arises"; be with me in my experience…, that I may trust in God's love.

Day 6 – Saint Padre Pio, you became our example of obedience in faith. You knew, that "where there is no obedience, there is no virtue there, there is no good and there is no love; where there is no love, God is not there, and without God you don't go to heaven " – be my advocate with God, when I am asking for grace…

Day 7 – Saint Padre Pio, tireless follower of Christ, you have assured all those who ask for help, that they will receive the grace of holy perseverance from God and pray for me, when I ask God for grace…

Day 8 – Saint Padre Pio, model of evagelic love of God and neighbor, you strengthened conviction in people's hearts, that God "cannot give up a sincere desire to love Him". In the name of love, which filled your life, obtain for me a gift in heaven…, for which I am asking you with confidence.

Day 9 – Saint Padre Pio, Mary was your "Mother most dear", You praised her "most of all creatures in heaven and on earth". Through your devotion to the Mother of God, I am asking for help in my need…

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