First prayer

O Jesus Christ! The eternal sweetness of all those embracing you with love. Joys beyond happiness and expectation, the true salvation and hope of every sinner. Ty, which you revealed, that your greatest satisfaction is to be among people, so that, out of love for them, after the time foretold had passed, you assumed human nature, remember yourself, Oh Jesus, all the sufferings endured from conception, especially during his Holy Passion, as God's eternal thought predicted it, and as the will of the Most High had decided.

Remember yourself, Lord, that by organizing the Eucharistic Supper with the disciples, after washing their feet, you have given your most holy body and precious blood, and by giving consolation with your own kindness, you foretold your Passion that would come.

Remember the sadness and bitterness, which you felt in your tormented soul, confessing to the immediate environment: ,, My soul is sad until death " (Mt 26, 38).

Mention all your concerns, anxieties and sorrows, which your tender flesh endured before crucifixion, when after praying for the third time, pouring bloody sweat, you have been betrayed by your disciple Judas, arrested by a chosen people, accused by false witnesses, unfairly tried by three judges, just before the solemn celebration of Easter, that is, Passover.

Remember, that you were tied to a pole and torn apart with whips, that you were stripped of your own robes and dressed in a different garment as a laughing stock, that you were crowned with thorns, a reed was put in the hand, the eyes and face were covered, that you were slapped and insulted.

In memory of all these offenses and pains, which you suffered in the run-up to the Passion of the Cross, let me experience a true repentance of my heart before my death, sincere and complete confession, make amends and receive forgiveness for all sins. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!


Second prayer

Oh Jesus! The true freedom of angels, a paradise of undisturbed happiness, remember the disgust and sorrow, that you felt, when your enemies surrounded you like angry lions and thousands of insults, slapping, by hurting and by other fanciful torments they competed in inflicting suffering.

Because of this torture and a steak of insult, I beg you, Divine Savior, free me from the bonds of all enemies, visible and invisible, and extending blessed protection, lead the way of perfection to eternal salvation. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

Third prayer

Oh Jesus! Creator of heaven and earth, which no thing can limit or encompass. Ty, who embraces and unites everything with your power, remember the bitter pain, you were feeling, when the hangman, tying your holy hands and feet to the cross, they pierced them through with thick ones, blunt nails. Stretching you with unheard of cruelty on the cross, it does not satisfy your sufferings, they hurled insults in all directions and vented their rage, they magnify your wounds by inflicting extra torture

Because of the enormity of suffering, experienced during the crucifixion, give me your holy fear and your true love. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

Fourth prayer

Oh Jesus! Blue doctor, raised on the cross, to heal our wounds with yours, mention bruises and breaks, which you have experienced in your limbs, so that each of them has been tampered with in some way. From head to toe, no place has been found on your body, which would not be covered with a wound. In such a state of humiliation, forgetting your own sufferings, you continued praying to the Father for your enemies with words: " Father, forgive them, because they don't know, what they do " (Luke 23, 34).

On the strength of this boundless mercy and in memory of this sorrow of things, that the memory of your bitter Passion would lead us to perfect repentance and forgiveness of all committed sins. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!
The fifth prayer

Oh Jesus! A mirror of eternal radiance, remember the sadness, you have experienced, when in the light of divine knowledge, considering the destiny of these, who were to be redeemed through the merits of Your Holy Passion, you saw crowds of condemned people at the same time, who went to condemnation because of countless sins. You felt sorry for these unhappy lost and despairing people.

Through this boundless compassion and mercy, especially by the touching kindness shown to the repentant co-crucified thief on Golgotha, when you told him: "Today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23,43), I beg you, oh sweet Jesus, show mercy to me a sinner at the hour of death. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

Sixth prayer

Oh Jesus! Gracious and longed for King, mention the pain, you felt, when naked as a pauper, chained to the cross, in that tree of shame you have been laughed at and scorned. All your relatives and friends have abandoned you except your beloved Mother, who stood faithfully with you during her agony. And you entrusted her to your faithful disciple, speaking to the Blessed Virgin Mary: "Woman, here is your son " (J19, 26) and to St.. Jana: "Here is your mother" (J19,27).

I beg you, oh my savior, by the sword of sorrows, who once pierced the soul of Your Most Painful Mother, sympathize with me in all my troubles and trials, both bodily, and spiritual, that I may overcome them all in my life, especially in the last hour before death. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

Seventh prayer

Oh Jesus! Source of inexhaustible pity, who you expressed your longing with deep love on the cross: "I wish to!”. It was the desire to save mankind. Please, oh my redeemer, ignite the desires of our hearts, that we may persistently strive for perfection. Quench in us completely the lusts of the flesh and worldly desires. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

Eighth prayer

Oh Jesus! Sweet hearts, incomprehensible goodness, by bitter bile and vinegar, which you tasted on the cross out of love for us, make it happen, that we may worthily receive your body and your priceless blood, medicine and comfort for our souls, during the earthly pilgrimage and at the hour of death. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

Ninth prayer

Oh Jesus! Royal virtue, joy of the spirit, mention the pain, you endured, when drowned in grief for impending death, insulted, mocked by a chosen people, abandoned by your Father, you called out loud: "My God, my God, what has forsaken me?” (Mt 27, 46).

I adjure you, oh my savior, by experienced fear, lest you leave me in my suffering and fear, caused by the impending death and judgment of God. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

The tenth prayer

Oh Jesus! Which you are the beginning and end of all things, life and the pinnacle of virtues, remember yourself, that you were plunged into immeasurable pains for my sake.

Through this immensity of suffering, caused by cruel wounds, who have caused the sins of the world, teach me to keep Your commandments with true love, because they are for those, who love you, they are the easy and only way to salvation. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

Eleventh Prayer

Oh Jesus! An unfathomable source of mercy, I am begging you for the memory of your wounds, whose excruciating pain reached the bone marrow and filled all their insides, deliver me the wretched one from my sins and hide in the depths of these wounds from the wrathful Face of Justice, until your indignation and righteous anger are over. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

The twelfth prayer

Oh Jesus! The mirror of truth, love, crowning all the powers of the spirit, sign of unity, torn and tormented by the abundant flow of glorious blood, mention countless wounds, that have covered you from head to toe. O immeasurable
and total pains, which you endured in your virginal body out of love for us. Jesus Christ, what you could do more for me? What you haven't done yet?

I adjure you, oh my savior, mark all your wounds with the precious Blood in my heart, so that I could constantly read Your sorrow and love in it.

Make it happen, that through my adherence to Your Passion the fruit of Your sufferings may appear in my soul. Let your love grow in her every day until I stand before you, Sweetheart of all goods and all joys. Oh sweet Jesus, give me this in eternal life, what am I begging you for. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

The thirteenth prayer

Oh Jesus! Eternal power, King, immortal and invincible, mention the pain, you endured, when all your strength was gone, both body, as well as the spirit, when inclining his head, you declared: “It is done!” (J19, 30).

I beg you, Lord Jesus, by utter exhaustion and overwhelming anxiety, which you experienced before completing the work of redemption, have mercy on me in the last hour of my life, when my soul is in distress, a heart full of fear. I put my trust in you. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

Fourteenth Prayer

Oh Jesus! Only Son of the Father, the splendor and expression of His essence, remember the loving and humble command of yourself to the Father in a confident expression: "Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit " (Luke 23, 46). And then you died. But though the whole body was mutilated and covered with blood, giving up his last breath, ceased to live, Your divine power has opened a fountain of mercy and poured out redemptive grace for mankind.

Through this precious death and all its circumstances, I beg you, King of saints, strengthen me and help me fight against Satan, flesh and blood, that I would die to the world and live only with you and for you. Please warmly, receive my pilgrim at the hour of my death and I will banish my soul at the gates of eternity. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

Fifteenth prayer

Oh Jesus! Symbolized in the life-giving, the paradise vine, mention the blood that sheds profusely, which flowed generously from your body like wine from ripe grapes in a press.

Pierced by a soldier's spear, you poured out all the Blood and Water to the last drop. Hanging high on the cross with the sacred head drooping, you have become like a bundle of withered myrrh, inert, numb, without a trace of life outside and inside the Body, right down to the bone.

Through the bitter Passion and the precious Blood that is poured out, I am begging You, oh sweet Jesus, hurt my heart with grace, that the tears of repentance and love may become so necessary for me day and night, like daily bread. Turn me back to you completely, that my heart may make you a permanent home, that my speech may be pleasing to you, and the end of life crowned with the hope of meeting you in paradise, where I can praise you and bless you forever with all the saints. Amen.

our father, Hail Mary.

Sigh. Jesus, My love, be glorified and have mercy on me!

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