Prayer For the Holy Church

Prayer For the Holy Church

Divine our Savior, you loved and assured your Church to the Passion on the Cross, that you will stay with us until the end of time. Support, we ask you, our Church in her struggles. You preached yourself, that the tares also grow among the wheat, make it happen, lest the weakness of your disciples outweigh the holiness in the Church.

Help the workers of the vineyard with your grace, help priests and millions of believers, to bear the burden of the day and the heat, they have worked for Your glory and for the good of all people. May the seed of the word of God fall on good soil and bear fruit many times over. Let each of your followers do their duty worthily, wherever God's providence has placed him, and let all be guided by a common goal - the salvation of all people. Our Lord, you have called the Church your kingdom on earth, where your law reigns, where your goodness is the scepter, Your strength is our hope. Make it happen, that we remember, that your kingdom is a kingdom that is still under construction, they spared no sacrifices and deserved a share in Your eternal kingdom. Amen.

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