Parents' Prayer for Children

Parents' Prayer for Children.

Triune God, By your will and grace, you have entrusted us with children, which belong to you. Please follow them, that you may take care of them.

God, father, protect the lives of our children, keep them healthy, weapons from bad adventures, and that they may safely grow for your glory and our joy.

Son of God, Jesus Christ, protect the faith of our children, give grace, that they may be faithful to you and do not allow them, that they may go astray in life. Holy Spirit of God, give our children light in their duties and show them, how they are to serve God and others. Give them power, that they overcome temptations and difficulties.

God, support us, parents, that we could reach the hearts of children with words, and they supported their word with a good example of life. Help us to watch over our children and seek their welfare. Awaken and sustain a spirit of faith and cause in us, let us see You together with our children, One and only God. Amen.

8 thoughts on “Parents' Prayer for Children”

  1. Holy Family , God the Creator watch over my children,support me when I lack strength. Despite the lack of father's presence in their lives, so that they grow up to be great men and fathers for their children.


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