Prayer to Our Lady of Kodeń

Prayer to Our Lady of Kodeń.

Mother of God of Kodeń, I honor You with faith and love, what my heart is capable of. In you and with you, I praise God, that he sent you here, that you may be for us the Merciful Mother of Reconciliation and Unity.

I am asking you with confidence, complete your work in my heart. Introduce the sacred unity of thought, feelings and desires, that they always go to God. Bring me into harmony with the unity of the Holy Trinity and fill me with peace.

I am asking for this unity also for these, I love (…) and everyone, I'm dating. Infuse the spirit of this unity and peace in all matters, which I deal with. In this way, may the glory of God increase and may His holy day be completed, saving will. Amen.

4 thoughts on “Prayer to Our Lady of Kodeń”

  1. Mother of God Kodenska, I am asking you to save Danuta and her children and family from diseases,strat,misfortune,as well as hatred from enemies.

  2. Mother of God Kodenska, I am asking you for my son's recovery.
    In the intention of receiving all earthly and spiritual goods for the children and me / for a permanent job for my son, for passing an exam for him, for safety for us,for help in economic matters,o good co-workers /.
    Thank you very much for the received chicks for me and my family.

  3. Matko Boża Kodeńska proszę Cię w intencji powrotu do zdrowia Mojej żony Maryli, oraz powrotu do zdrowia dla mnie.
    przepraszam za to że przez dluższy okres czasu nie wspominałem i nie modlilem się do Ciebie.

    1. Matko Boża Kodeńska proszę o zdrowie dla mnie i mojej rodziny i przepraszam cię za wszystko co złego uczyniłem Matko Boza módl się za nami

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