Man responds to God

baptismAs you grow, you want to be more and more independent. You want, to be among colleagues and friends, you were so needed at home and at school, like you need others. Can you say : I don't have to do this, let others do it ? Can you avoid working together and not influence it, what is happening in and around you ?

You are in the Church. The Church has a great task towards the world : to unite people to God and to one another. God called everyone to do so. What the Church expects of you ? What he expects from you ?

You have made a commitment and you are called

At baptism, the priest poured water on your head and spoke the words : ,,I baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit ". At this point, you are included in the history of salvation. God has given you his love, he made you his child and invited you to live with him.

In baptism you renounced the evil spirit and all its doings. The godparents did it on your behalf, but as you grow, God expects you to cooperate and collaborate. Now, when you grow up and know how to recognize, what is good, what's wrong, you must reject evil yourself. You should live like a child of God and do God's will willingly and accurately. This is how you show your love to God. God wants, that you may be strengthened in your love for him through the holy sacraments, especially through the Eucharist, and developed a relationship with Him and with others. God wants, that you may now answer his call on your own, which he addressed to you through the sacrament of baptism.

Baptized in the name of Christ, you are united to him and together you build the kingdom of God, in which God's love for people is revealed. You are about to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, which will complete it, what has happened in you in the sacrament of holy baptism. In the sacrament of baptism you were given the task of witnessing for Christ. In Confirmation you will be strengthened in the Holy Spirit and you will become a mature Christian, who alone cooperates with Christ. You will become His apostle.

How will I answer God ?

God's revelation is a call, which God directed to man. Today the Church communicates them to us. You are a member of the Church through baptism, and through Confirmation you will be called to bear witness to Christ as a mature Christian. Baptism obligated you to do so, that you may live in the Church as a child of God, and Confirmation will give you the power of the Holy Spirit, to act as an apostle of Christ, testified of him in word and deed.

God invited you to cooperate and cooperate with yourself. Desires, that you would understand his call and answer it yourself. How are you gonna do that, this catechism will teach you. You will find in it, with each topic such a question : How will I answer God ? Think about the questions posed, and you will find out, how to proceed. God has not only called you to cooperate with yourself, but also makes you responsible for them. So because you live in the Church, you are responsible for it. Because you live among brothers, who are building the kingdom of God, you are also responsible for them.

â–  Think:

1. Who have you become through holy baptism?

2. What God calls man to ?

3. How a Christian Should Behave ?

4. What God expects from you ?

â–  Remember:

3. When a baptized person responds to God's call ?

The baptized person responds to God's call, when he testifies to God in word and deed.

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