"Servant of Yahweh" is fulfilling God's plan of salvation

Jesus the saviorYou often notice in your surroundings, that someone is wrong, hurts the other. This outrages you. Then a desire awakens in you, to remove evil by force. You are looking for support for your aspirations even among your peers. How do you think, there is no other way to free people from evil ?

God announces, that "Servant of Yahweh" will save all nations

St.. teaches us, that God loved his people, much like a father loves his firstborn son. The Israelites were called, that they may be faithful servants of God, that they may serve Him for the good of all people. However, not all of them were faithful to God.
Those, who have been faithful to God, St.. he calls "the rest of Israel". The prophets announced, that one of this "Holy Remnant" will be its ruler. The Prophet Isaiah calls him "the Servant of Yahweh":

"Here is my Servant, which they support, My chosen one, in which I like. I did, that my Spirit rested on Him; He will bring Law to the nations.
And, Jahwe, I have called you rightly, I took you by the hand and shaped you, I have made you a covenant with men, a light to the nations, that you would open the eyes of the blind, that you may release the captives from the closure, from jail these, who live in the dark "
(From 42, 1. 6-7).

So the prophet Isaiah foretells, that the true Servant of God will not be like the rulers of this world. He will save nations with love, not force. God's Spirit will strengthen and make him, that "Servant of Yahweh" will reveal God to all nations and free them from evil. The book of Isaiah also states, that "Servant of Yahweh" will do this work by sacrificing his own life. We read :
“Scorned and rejected by people, a man of sorrows, used to suffering, like someone, from whom are faces hidden, despised yes, that we had him for nothing. But He bore our suffering, He carried our sorrows, and we condemned him, flogged by God and trampled underfoot. But He was pierced for our sins, crushed for our sins.
A flogging that is redeeming for us has fallen, and in his wounds is our health. We all went astray like sheep, each of us has turned to his own way; and God blamed all of us on him.
He was tormented, but he let himself be oppressed, he didn't even open his mouth.
Like a lamb led to the slaughter… so he did not open his mouth !…
So! He was cut off from the land of the living; for the sins of my people he was beaten to death…
It pleased God to crush Him with suffering.
If he gave his life as a sin offering, he will see the offspring, he will extend his days, and the will of Jehovah will be done through him.
After the torments of my soul, he will see the light and be satisfied with it.
My good servant will justify many, he himself will bear their iniquities. Therefore, as a reward, I will allocate crowds to Him, and he will possess the mighty as a prey, for that, that he offered himself to death "
(From 53, 3-7. 8b. 10-12a).

With these words God foretold through a prophet, that his faithful servant will save the nations by freely accepting suffering and contempt. Through voluntary suffering, he will accomplish spiritual health and sanctification for all people. As a reward for his obedience, God promises to give him many spiritual offspring. Like a chieftain after a victorious battle, he receives many loot and many prisoners, so the Servant of the Lord will receive many nations as his own.

Jesus Christ Fulfills Prophecy About "God's Servant"

The above prophecy about the suffering "Servant of Yahweh" is read in the liturgy of Good Friday. In the passion and death of Jesus Christ it was literally fulfilled. Then Jesus Christ offered his life to God the Father for the redemption of sinners. For the price of his blood, he purchased the Church, to which he called all nations.
Jesus showed in his life, that he is a meek and humble Servant (Mk 10, 45). After baptism in Jordan he clearly said, that Isaiah's prophecy about the "Servant of Yahweh" is being fulfilled on it, who was to be anointed with the Holy Spirit (Luke 4, 16-21). By the power of this Spirit, Jesus freed people from the bondage of Satan, he forgave sins, restored sight and hearing, preached the Gospel to the poor. In this way, he served the people. He revealed this especially on Holy Thursday, when he washed the feet of the disciples. Then he said it to them, which he repeats to us every year : "If then I, Lord and Teacher, I washed your feet, you should wash each other's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do so, as I have done for you " (J 13, 13-15a).

How will I answer God ?

The prophecy of the suffering "Servant of Yahweh" is an appeal to all believers and baptized, that they may follow the same path in their lives.
How you fulfill your calling to serve people ? How do you serve your parents, colleagues, neighbors ? How you render service to people, who do not believe in Jesus Christ ? How do you serve it, who do not agree with your beliefs and views ? Do people looking at your actions become discouraged by the Catholic Church? ?

■ Think:

1. What we read in the Book of Isaiah about the suffering "Servant of Yahweh" ?
2. How Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of "Servant of Yahweh" in his life ?
3. Why is the prophecy about the "Servant of Yahweh" read in the liturgy of the Lord's Passion ?

■ Remember:

71. In whom was the prophecy of the suffering "Servant of Yahweh" fulfilled ?
The prophecy of a suffering “Servant of Yahweh” was fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

72. How Jesus Christ serves people today ?
Jesus Christ serves people today through us as members of His Church.

■ Task :

1. remind yourself, how the Church has served people through the centuries.
2. find out, how the Church serves people today.

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