God calls man to cooperate

god jobGod sustains the entire world in existence and is Lord of all creation, as well as man. At the same time, people keep improving the world.
The ancient people lived in very simple conditions. Faced with epidemics and natural disasters, they were sometimes completely helpless.
Today people live differently. Their living conditions are improving day by day. They live longer, prevent epidemics, they successfully fight diseases. The elements dominate. They improve communication, and even go to other planets.
When you look at it all, you may think, that people act independently of God, that they are fulfilling their own purposes. Is it really so ?

God gives the earth to man

St.. he says : “And finally God said : «Let us make man in our image, like Nam. Let him have dominion over the sea fish, over the birds of the air, over cattle, over all the earth and over every animal on the ground ! »
So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him : he made male and female. Then God blessed them, talking to them : «Be fruitful and multiply, that you should populate the earth and make it subordinate to yourselves »" (Gen. 1, 26-28a). St.. he says, that man is like God. This is one of the similarities, that man participates in God's rulership of the world.
St.. tells vividly, that man began mastering the world by naming animals (Gen. 2, 20). Giving names meant taking possession and exercising power over them.
Over the centuries, man has changed and improved the world with his work. He discovered and used new laws of nature. He contributed to the development of science, culture and technology.

And today people are still working on it, to make it better and better to live in the world. They are building modern schools, hospitals, industrial plants, scientific establishments. They improve their apartments. They make new machines, home appliances and thus make your life easier, work and rest. When they do it all, they cooperate with God.

Man participates in God's fatherhood

God is the source of life in the world, therefore we call him father. Man has received life from God and is to pass it on. St.. underlines, that God made male and female. He recommended them : “Be fruitful and multiply, that you would populate the earth ".
God wants, make people, who love each other, they set up a common home and created a family. A new person is born in the family - a child is born. Father and mother hand over their lives to him, for God called them to do so and made them possible. As parents, people share in God's fatherhood.
Human participation in God's fatherhood is not only about the transmission of life. After all, man is born as a small child, which is weak and helpless. He needs careful care for many years. Parents must take care of their child's health. They should surround them with love and prepare them as best as possible for independent life.

How will I answer God ?

God really loves people. He gave them a share in his fatherhood and called them to rule over the world. God wants, that people improve the world for the common good of all.
How I am preparing to process the world, to make him better ? How i learn ? Is only for degrees, only for parents ? Do I remember that, that by diligent learning I am better prepared for my future job ?
As I relate to matters related to the transmission of life ? Am I speaking respectfully about these matters ? Where am I looking for real news on this topic ?
Who am I talking to about this ?

I will pray :

"Lord Jesus Christ, who, in submission to Mary and Joseph, sanctified family life with ineffable virtues, make it happen, that, with the help of both of them, we may imitate the examples of Your Holy Family and commune with it in eternity " (collection with urocz. st. Families).

How often do you pray for your parents ? You can do it with words :

"God, Father almighty, You gave me life through my parents and you raised me through their care. Bless them, keep them healthy, sweeten their labor. Make it happen, that they would have joy and help from me. Lead them through life in this way, that they may enter your glory in heaven with the risen Christ. Amen.”


1. What command God gives people in the Bible story, you just read ?

2. Which means, that God called man to rule the world ?

3. How people share in God's fatherhood ?


15. How people interact with God ?

People interact with God : a) by transmitting family life, b) by working together to improve the world with your work and inventions.

Request :

1. Think and write, how you can prepare to master the world ?

2. Name famous people, who have contributed to the progress of mankind.

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