Eighth Article of Faith

177. As the eighth article of faith says?

The eighth article of faith sings: »I believe in the Holy Spirit *.

178. Who is the Holy Spirit?

There is a holy spirit: 1) the third divine person, 2) true God, 3) A comforter sent to the Catholic Church by Jesus Christ.

171). Why is the third divine person called the "holy" Spirit”?

Therefore the third divine person is called the "Holy Spirit *", because it sanctifies us and because all holiness comes from it.

180. When Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to the Catholic Church?

Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to the Catholic Church on the tenth day after his Ascension, that is, on the day of Pentecost, when fiery tongues appeared over the heads of the apostles. (Pentecost).

181. What the Holy Spirit Worked in the Apostles?

The holy spirit of the apostles

1. sanctified;

2. he enlightened and strengthened;

3. he gave them gifts: speaking different languages, work miracles and proclaim the Gospel infallibly.

182. What the Holy Spirit does in the Catholic Church?

Holy Spirit

1. the Catholic Church teaches and rules it;

2. he grants his graces through him.

183. What the Holy Spirit does in us?

Holy Spirit

1. sanctifies us by consecrating grace;

2. Supports us with Jaska supporting;

3. he gives us his gifts.

184. For what purpose the Holy Spirit gives us His gifts?

The Holy Spirit gives us His gifts in this

purpose, that we would gladly receive his illumination,

they followed his inspirations, and thus perfected themselves in virtue.

185. Which are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

The following are the gifts of the Holy Ghost:

1. the gift of wisdom,

2. the gift of reason,

3. gift of advice,

4. the gift of bravery,

5. the gift of skill,

6. the gift of godliness,

7. the gift of the fear of God.

186. What the gift of wisdom helps us to do?

The gift of wisdom helps us to do this, let us be the Lord God in His. they knew majesty and perfection, admired and loved, and everything, what is earthly and insignificant, regarding this knowledge and love they judged.

187. What gives us the gift of reason?

The gift of reason does this in us, that we penetrate more deeply into the spirit of the truths of the Catholic faith and speak to us , we cheer up the mind.

188. What help is provided by the gift of counsel?

The gift of advice gives us that help, that in difficult and doubtful cases, our choice is always in accordance with God's will.

189. What we fight with the gift of bravery?

We fight all difficulties on the way to salvation with the gift of bravery.

190. What do we acquire through the gift of skill?

Through the gift of skill, we acquire a firm belief in the truthfulness of revealed science, and certainty, what to do to us according to God's will, and what should be avoided.

191. What we show by the gift of godliness?

Through the gift of godliness, we constantly show filial disposition towards God.

192. What makes us feel the gift of the fear of God?

The gift of the fear of God does this in us, that remembering the Lord God and being afraid to offend Him, we avoid it, what he doesn't like.

Reminder. »You don't know *, says the Apostle to the Nations. (1. Cor.3, 16). »That you are the Church of God, and the Spirit of God lives in you?* So, mend the temple and abode of the Holy Spirit, keep your heart pure and spotless. Invoke the Holy Spirit for help in every important matter, willingly following his inspiration, for “whoever are ruled by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. (Bzym. 8, 14).

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