Sects and religions

Many religions and political movements honor their leader. The ultimate goal (mostly) but it is not idolizing it, nor is it absolute submission. A "spiritual leader" is the bearer of a political or religious ideology and a vehicle to implement the project, which can be performed independently of him. If in fact it plays a special role, it is simply about underlining his competence, which is not the same as attributing superhuman qualities to him.

Meanwhile, some religions attribute divine power to their leaders. The most famous example is the Dalai Lama. However, in this case, no secret practices are performed (the exception are rituals reserved for worshipers) nor does it engage in mental manipulation (except for unpredictable manifestations of crowd behavior during holidays and demonstrations). Religion implies freedom of thought, without physical or mental pressure. Churches, as a rule, strive for this, to be an integral part of society, and even become the dominant factor (state religion). If there is an element of coercion in the social functioning of a religion, as for example in some initiation rituals, it is consciously accepted by everyone. It is different with a sect, which defines itself as a counter-force that stands in opposition to the traditional community model and seeks to break with society. The use of compulsion is to exclude the adept from the community, and not the other way around. Whenever a religious practice is associated with compulsion and promotes isolation from the generally accepted cultural context, it is a sign, that it aims to move to the margins of social life, to create a "new Church", apostasy or apostasy group, that is, a sect.

In fact, genuine religious practice is always part of a legitimate society, in which it expresses itself, and respects its rights. Many practices that place a religious group outside the law are the beginning of sectarian isolation from society.

Nevertheless, respect for the civic involvement of a pupil of a religious group does not preclude the application of some coercion against that pupil by the hierarchy or the group leader.

The problem is so complex and ambiguous, that the French Ministry of the Interior in circular z 7 November 1997 years addressed to the prefects tried to clarify the situation:

"Row, respecting freedom of thought and freedom of association, he should mobilize himself against actions that run counter to public order or violate public freedom, what can be expected from certain sectarian movements.

[…] It is not under the Government's obligation to institute an inquiry to establish the fairness of one association or another, and it is not for the Government to judge the criteria of, guided by the parliamentary committee in its reflection.

Such a parliamentary arrangement is only a fragment of information and conclusions on this subject. It should not have a normative meaning and contribute to the determination of differences between associations described as "sectarian" and those, which are not in the light of the aforementioned relationships, or contribute to the determination of any sanctions. As long as an association is not subject to administrative or judicial annulment, enjoys constitutionally recognized freedom and may carry out activities corresponding to his purposes within the strict limits of applicable law.

[…] The term "cult" has no particular legal value at the time of its declaration and is not reserved to any association, because "the republic recognizes no worship" (right z 9 of December 1905 years concerning the separation of churches from the state).

Word “cult” only then acquires legal significance, when the association concerned demands it in the face of fiscal advantages, which flow from it, and acceptance of donations and bequests, authorized by this qualification on the basis of administrative jurisprudence. Association, which is striving for the status of a cult association, must meet three conditions, to receive donations and subscriptions:
– musi być poświęcone sprawowaniu kultu (without any difference),
– musi być wyłącznie poświęcone sprawowaniu tego kultu,
– cel określony w statutach jako działalność rzeczywista stowarzyszenia nie powinien zagrażać porządkowi publicznemu,
– określenie «ruch sekciarski» przyznane jakiemuś stowarzyszeniu przez różne związki parlamentarne nie spowoduje w konsekwencji żadnego zamętu w porządku publicznym”.

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