Political plans

The formation of the sects was and probably is related to politics. The initiation rituals often served as an excuse, to test a candidate's loyalty or devotion to a cause. W 1861 in annex to his ritual of freemasonry (in French, an organization also known as carbona-risme) Ragon, founder of the Trois Sinosophes craft workshop, describes various secret societies, which played an important role in the revival of the idea of ​​unity of the Italian nation. He lists ten such groups, that interact with each other, by participating in or competing for influence.

The historical model of such action was presented in the works of Spartacus Weishaupt, who founded a group of the enlightened from Bavaria in the 18th century (Illumines de Bauiere). He intended to create a political elite, able to penetrate into Freemasonry, which rituals this group practiced and around which it was organized, to use it to make a revolution. The Bavarian group was not successful, though it had a significant influence on the formation of some revolutionaries.

Virtually all sectarian movements are linked to political activities. Political considerations are sometimes the hidden driving force behind these organizations. Today, such activities are most often colored with Arianism, elitism, racism, and even eugenism. They often hide behind seemingly glorious intentions: saving the planet, bringing peace to the world, promoting equality among people.

For example, the Soka Gakkai sect in Japan is currently exerting a serious influence on political life, using the part of Komeito. The sect arose after the Second World War. It is the philosophical branch of the unorthodox Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist movement. Komeito, third party in Japan, is part of the government coalition and, together with the Renaissance party, is trying to create a political center for the neoconservative forces. Soka Gakkai, which has ten million members, currently supports approx 10% the Japanese electorate. It is accused of strong expansionary and authoritarian aspirations, far from the democratic slogans of Komeito. These accusations favor another, competition section, zwanej Rissho Koseikai. The latter does not even proclaim democratic slogans, but also plays a significant role in political life, with six and a half million members.

Soka Gakkai has managed to get her followers there, where she wanted it, also outside of Japan. When the powerful Mitsubishi concern supported it, penetrated into university and cultural environments, also using the intermediation of prestigious groups of the Institute of Peace Studies, Institute of Asian Studies, Center for African Studies, Institute of oriental Philosophy, Institute Toda, Boston research center forum the 21 Century. Enjoying from 1983 year from the status of an advisory organization to the United Nations, Soka Gakkai strives to maintain favorable spheres of influence and maintains relations even with the highest representatives of the Japanese government. The sect belongs to the network of the organization "Abolicja 2000" of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, operating internationally for nuclear disarmament. Soka Gakkai collected and submitted thirteen million signatures to the petition for this organization 27 October 1998 year at the Geneva headquarters of the United Nations, proving the effectiveness of their lobbying and the range of their influence4′.

Another example of the relationship between politics and sectarianism is the Church of Unification, also called the Moon sect. Even if he almost disappeared from the European scene, it is his political agenda, created in 1980 year under the name CAUSA, makes noble attempts to fight Marxism. Certainly the collapse of the Soviet empire took some weight away from the sect's actions, but it continues to finance far-right European political parties. Influenced by Moon's closest associate, a man named Bo Hi Pak, CAUSA still uses the Manichean dialectic, which he feeds the fascist right: on the one hand, God and liberalism, on the other, Satan and socialism. Such slogans seem to be gaining applause among the anti-democratic right, unless it is just beyond accepted after that, to be able to subsidize election campaigns.

When Moon's European intentions were revealed, this strengthened its influence in Uruguay, where the sect owns the third largest bank, the second national magazine, many radio stations and controls various departments of agriculture. At that time, the New Acropolis, Transcendental Meditation, Siło and Ruch started political infiltration in Europe. Transcendental Meditation v 1993 year, she became involved in the campaign for parliamentary elections, as well as in the European elections. Seeking support for your leader, Benedict Bity, votes were gathered 30 thousand voters, thus providing the sect with a source of income for five years thanks to the Law on Party Funding. A few years earlier, this sect proposed to the American President Bush a plan to undertake rehabilitation meditation among the Lebanese hostages. W 1981 year, the sect began working with the dictator of the Philippines, Marcosem, and his wife Imelda, whom Ma-harishi Mahesh Yoga recognized as the father and mother of the "Age of Enlightenment".

The Sło sect used the same strategy, which adopted the name of the Humanist Party in the elections (sic!). In this way, thanks to the Natural Law Party and the Humanist Party, the sects fought by France are also subsidized by it. Some MPs suggested that a more effective control of the party's political funding should be carried out, what would be possible after the change of electoral law. In this way, a threshold for paying campaigns and party funding related to the number of voters would be introduced. However, this proposal did not gain unanimous approval and the "political" sects may not be afraid of these changes for the time being.

In Mozambique, the stakes turned out to be even higher. President Joachim Chissano, fascinated by the teachings of Maharashi Mahesh Yoga, he has probably been converted and wants to become a member of the Transcendental Meditation. After a research trip to the Benelux countries, where the European seat of the sect is located, Chissano signed an agreement with the sect, in which he granted Yogi adepts a concession for twenty million hectares of agricultural land for fifty years, without any compensation. This is a step further than the previous agreement signed by Mozambique's finance minister, Aeneasa Comiche, concerning the authorization of the use by a cult of the fallow land, to create a paradise on earth there, in exchange for 40% income obtained by the sect48.

South America can be considered a promised land by the sects. Catholic is especially active there, an integrist and reactionary sect called the Tradycja Association, Family, Property. Founded by the Brazilian Plinio Correa de 01iveira in 1960 of the year is opposed to Brazilian land reform, Marxism and communism and is trying to restore the monarchy. This sect took part in the political fight against armed militias in Brazil, Argentina and Chile. She also supported South African apartheid. Having considerable financial resources, participated in the creation of paramilitary militia units, whose purpose was to fight communism. In France, it became known as "The Future of Culture". It got loud about her, when she protested the film by Martin Scorsese The Last Temptation of Christ and the film by Jean-Luc Godard Hail Majyjo.

For meetings of the universal Church of the kingdom of God, called Universal by the Brazilians, led by Edir Macedo, crowds are coming. It is a branch of the Pentecostal Church, and its members sit in the Assembly of God and in the square Church. W 1960 year this sect entered the political arena. It was then controlled by Ernest Geisel, president of Brazil in 1974-1979. Currently, its members include the personal protection of Peruvian President Fujimori, as well as protecting the President of Guatemala, who joined this sect a few years ago. The organization's strategy is simple. It is about controlling the mass media, especially radio and television. Macedo has today 28 radio stations and 850 temples. Thanks to one and a half million believers, he managed to conduct an evangelistic campaign against animist cults. It was not without fascist elements and a hostile attitude towards the black population. Macedo is great at drawing from many different sources, which fascinates his audience. It talks about success, wealth and healings by the laying on of hands. He is clearly seeking power in the country, which raises a lot of opposition, which so far has not stopped his aspirations.

Meanwhile, the influence of the Pentecostal Church and the success of the groups associated with this cult do not seem to be accidental or related only to the spiritual search of the Brazilians.. W 1984 year in the report of the Brazilian bishops' conference, intended for the Vatican, CIA took control of Pentecostal sects and used them for psychological and political manipulation, which from the CIA point of view seems very attractive.

"I am a human, who wants the truth. In this sense, I am not obeying the constitution, but the Bible ". Such words were spoken in March 1982 years from the mouth of President General Ephrain Rios Montt, who just then took power in Guatemala, right after the military coup. President Montt, adept of the Church of the Word, Californian fundamentalist sect, never stepped off by Alvar Contreras and Francisco Bianchi, two other members of this sect, he only retained power for seventeen months. Since the day of his departure, various Guatemalan sects have been vying for influence in the country. In this region, the situation for this type of organization is particularly favorable, because until 30% of the population belongs to sects.

Also after the coup, in which the Aum sect used sarin, an international investigation revealed the close ties between this sect and the Russian political elite. Vitaliy Sawicki, president of the parliamentary committee on religious organizations, when asked about the development of the investigation in Russia, he announced in July 1995 year: “The investigation has been frozen at the top of the government. The process of the Aum sect will not take place ". Actually, no action was taken in Moscow, to clarify the relationship between Aum and government services. Ołeg Lobow, secretary of the Security Council, turned out to be one of the people responsible for enabling the operation of the Aum sect in Russia. To on w 1991 He contacted Shoko Asahara on the pretext of raising funds for the formation of Russia–Japanese university. Asahara, on the occasion of his trip around Russia, met with Ruslan Khasbułatov, chairman of the Duma, and with Alexander Ruckoj, vice president of Russia…

The contemporary face of sects is constantly changing. Only one thing doesn't change: willingness to convert the entire planet – or voluntarily, by proselytism, or more prosaically – by developing a network of influence, both of which use the economy, and politics.

Sometimes the political plans are very extensive, although usually expressed vaguely or difficult to show in full splendor, especially these, which have been disguised in hidden or esoteric works. Careful reading of the work of Peter Deunov, master Michael Ivanov, founder of the White Universal Brotherhood, allows you to pick up elements with a suggestive overtone of racial politics, using physiognomic criteria:

A perpendicular forehead is a sign of intelligence. If the forehead is tilted, intelligence declines gradually. Including, what concerns the nose, quite the opposite: when the nose is on. protruding, intelligence diminishes.

People, whose feelings and will are strong, they have a chin not straight, but slightly bent and protruding. It shows a certain intelligence. If the chin is not slightly protruding, intelligence is greater […].

[…] If you are going to increase your intelligence, you think about the nose: must take the right direction, it should not be protruding.

When two people have different temperatures, to ta, which temperature is higher, she is smarter than the other. The vibration of her thoughts is higher, and their number is more important […].

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