The Church and slavery

oboz oswiecimPeople often forget about God's commandment to love each other. This is evidenced by, for example, frequent wars, which result in harm. You've probably heard from your parents or relatives or read about it, how hard the lives of many people were during the last war. Perhaps you visited Oświęcim, huge slave camp of the 20th century. Cruelty and harm accompany all wars.
In the Middle Ages there were so-called. ,,holy wars ", that is, the struggle between Christians and Mohammedans. Both were careful, that with fire and sword they can contribute to giving greater glory to God. Many Christian knights died in these wars, but also quite a few were taken prisoner. The fate of the slaves was regrettable. They were constantly urged to convert to the Mohammedan religion, forced to work beyond their strength, bito, there were constant death threats. Their only hope was in it, that the family would buy them out. However, not all families were rich enough, to do this. Therefore, two orders were established in the 12th and 13th centuries, whose task was to take care of numerous Christian prisoners, held captive by the Mohammedans. In France, St.. John of Mata founds the Order of the Brothers of the Holy Trinity, the so-called. Trinitarians. Many of these monks, when there was not enough money to redeem the captive, they themselves were enslaved for him. In captivity, and with hard work, they comforted their companions in distress. In this way they fulfilled the commandment to love their neighbor. The second order dealing with slaves was established in Spain. It was the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Redemption of Prisoners, founded by St.. Piotr Nolasko. Its members were called mercedaries. Next to the usual weddings, the mercedaries have promised, that as needed, if there was a threat of deviation from faith, they will also give themselves into slavery instead of another prisoner. Christians have always stood up for slaves.

They themselves were persecuted in the Roman state, they couldn't stand slavery. However, they did everything, what was within their capabilities. The richer ones freed their slaves. There was even a custom of the solemn liberation of slaves on the occasion of great holidays. The love of neighbor of many Christians was so great, that, as St.. Clement of Rome in his letter to the Corinthians (55) - some gave themselves captive in order to free others. St.. Ignatius to Polycarp, we learn about it, that Christians in their communities collected money, to redeem Christian slaves. The best proof of it, how the commandment of love and the truth were understood from the very beginning of the Church, that all people are equal, is the election of ex-slave popes. Most likely, the former slave was Clement I, who was Bishop of Rome in the years 88 do 97 ; Pius I, who has been pope since 140 do 155 on the year and Callixtus I., who ruled from 217 do 222 year. Pope Callixtus I did much to improve the fate of slaves. He considered marriages between slaves and free ones to be valid. It was against Roman law, which did not recognize such marriages. Many Christian writers of the first centuries defend slaves against the exploitation of their masters in their writings. Among other things, St.. Maksym from Turin.

In recent times, our compatriot Maria Ledóchowska has done a lot to eradicate the remnants of slavery in Africa. Today it is safe to say, that there is no more slavery. However, there are many poor people and a lot of injustice. You can only delete them then, when people obey properly the commandment of love.

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