Christ gives hope to the baptized

Christ gives hope to the baptized

Man still faces difficulties. Both at home, as well as in others he sees selfishness, which destroys the most beautiful intentions. He often becomes helpless in the face of natural disasters, disease and suffering. He is powerless against death. Despite the enormous progress in science, technology and social life, pessimism arises among people, sometimes leading to the loss of ideals, and seeking only one's own benefit and pleasure in life. Christian, although he looks at life through the eyes of faith and rejoices, that God loves him, however, he is also not free from difficult moments in life and breakdowns. What strengthens a Christian in such difficult times ?

True hope in Christ's disciples

St.. Piotr teaches :
,,May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be blessed. In his great mercy, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, he gave us new birth to a living hope : to the indestructible heritage […], which is preserved for you in heaven. Therefore, rejoice, although now you must experience a bit of sadness because of the various experiences " (1 P 1, 3-6).
St.. Piotr pays attention to us, Christians, that the basis of our hope is Christ's resurrection. United with Jesus, we are sure, that we will get ,,indestructible heritage ", that is, living in eternal joy with God. The baptized person already participates in Christ's victory over sin, death and all evil. We believe, that at the end of our present life, Jesus will grant us a share in the glory of the Father. Therefore, we should not break down in difficulties. Each house is built on a foundation. Without a strong foundation, the entire edifice would soon collapse into rubble. Hope is such a foundation in a Christian's life, which Christ bestows on him.

In Baptism, we were born into a living hope

Christ in baptism. he made me a sharer in his victory over sin, death and satan. At the same time he assured me, that despite the difficulties encountered, I will surely come to salvation, in which I am already participating in a seed. We call this talent the supernatural virtue of hope. We are on the way. Christ's final victory will also be revealed in us, when Christ comes to earth the second time. The ordinances of baptism remind us of this truth. The priest, putting a white robe on the baptized person, says :
,,N… you have become a new creature and put on Christ, therefore you get a white garment. Let your loved ones, through their word and example, help you to keep the dignity of God's children, unblemished to eternal life ".
A similar idea is expressed in the ceremony of presenting the candle lit by the paschal candle.
God wants to enrich in us the virtue of hope and develop it, but with our cooperation. The basis of this hope is the memory of God's promises. We make her stronger, when we read in the Scriptures. about these promises and about their fulfillment in the history of salvation. We grow in hope, when we express our trust in prayer, love and desire to be united with God.
However, we increase our supernatural hope in the most perfect way by participating in the Eucharist. By taking part in it, we unite ourselves with the risen Christ, whose victory is the basis of hope. Moreover, the Eucharist is the pledge of eternal life, which we expect and hope, that we will get. It strengthens and strengthens our friendship with Christ and allows us to expect, that we will meet Him in the next life. Therefore, in every Holy Mass. after transubstantiation we repeat in acclamation : ,,… we look forward to your coming in glory ".

How will I answer God ?

Through your baptism, God called you to do this, that you hope in Christ and awaken it in others. Do you remember about it in difficult times ? Do you strengthen your hope by reading the scriptures ? Do you listen diligently to the word of God in the Eucharistic Assembly? ?
Pray with words more often : ,,I trust you, for you are faithful, almighty and merciful, you will forgive me of my sins, grace and eternal salvation ".

■ Think:

1. Co daje nam siłę do przezwyciężenia trudności i zniechęcenia ?

2. Dlaczego możemy ufać Chrystusowi, who promises us a full share of salvation ?

3. Jakie obrzędy chrztu przypominają nam, that we are on the way to eternal salvation ?

4. Dlaczego chrześcijanie powinni optymistycznie patrzeć na świat ?

5. Dlaczego cnotę nadziei nazywamy nadprzyrodzoną ?

6. Przez co ochrzczony rozwija w sobie nadprzyrodzoną cnotę nadziei ?

■ Remember:

18. Co jest podstawą nadziei chrześcijańskiej ?

The basis of Christian hope is the victory of the risen Christ.

19. Kiedy otrzymujemy nadprzyrodzoną cnotę nadziei ?

We receive the supernatural virtue of hope at baptism. together with faith and love.

20. Co to jest nadprzyrodzona cnota nadziei ?

The supernatural virtue of hope is giftedness, thanks to which the baptized person confidently and persistently goes to meet Christ, who will come in glory.

■ Task :

1. Odmówię codziennie przy wieczornym pacierzu, until the next catechesis, act of hope, trying to remember the meaning of his words.

2. Consider, how you can inspire Christian optimism in your surroundings ?

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